Delve +8 is way too easy

Delves, as mentioned previously in this post, and hinted at in the developer chats, are a solo first, but obviously group capable event. I’m at iLv 581 at the moment and have difficulty on T5, I disagree, they are not easy. No, I am not a newbie, and have played arcane mage for over 15 years, I’m not a casual player either, I do my 8-12 hours a day, everyday.

They, the delves, are not easy for everyone, only those who do everything (going in with higher level gear from dungeons and raids kinda makes one ask why bother with delves in the first place other than the obvious, to just try it out to see what it is all about). On a continued note, many classes have been kicked in the butt by the devs, so they no longer do as well as they did through DF, other classes have always had it better in their performance, but some players, like myself, choose to play a particular class because no matter how it rolls, it is our favorite toon.

I do NOT group, so no dungeon or raid gear (yeah, my choice, and I like it that way) I believe that there are bugs still in these events, like the Nightfall Sanctum, I died there and cannot even get out to revive, Brann left when I was killed so Support has to retrieve my toon. These are new things and will obviously be tuned as time goes on, my opinion is that they should be solo only, no groups at all to give a defined separation from earning higher level gear through group content in dungeons and raids.

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I’m terrible. I mean, really, really bad. I’ve participated at the fringes of endgame for only about half of the game’s expansions. And I’ve only been playing for a week after most of a year off, with a class I haven’t played since BC.

So far I’m up to Tier 6 Solo Delves and they’re a fun but mild challenge, with only two deaths. I think my item level was like 564 or something when I did my Tier 6 today but I just unloaded all my upgrade stone things before I logged off so I’m sure I’ve got higher item level now. I don’t intend to do delves as a group unless a friend wants my help or something, the content’s neat but I don’t think the structure works well for groups. I’ll save that for dungeons.

the real meta is doing them in trio’s. tank, dps and a healer and you are immortal and its essentially the same difficulty or less as doing outdoor world content where a few elite mobs are. trios are better because less mob hp scaling and damage scaling then in 5 man group.

and we get 603 gear from it. i kinda like this tbh from a gearing perspective cause its easy as heck for casuals to get gear now but it also undermines it being a “solo friendly” marketed content since the best way to do it is not solo.

They do kind of need a tuning pass on certain enemies when solo at the very least. Casters are absurdly powerful right now with them absolutely chunking your HP with their bread-and-butter spells. Something that spams Shadowbolt probably shouldn’t be hitting me for over 1 million damage per cast when they can casually toss them out like a Jehovah’s Witness passing out pamphlets.

A big scary spell that needs to be interrupted or I’ll die, and gets used occasionally? Sure. But being chunked by a spell that they can cast three times while I’m waiting for my interrupt to come off CD from the first time I interrupted their spell? Nah, fam, that don’t sound right.

The real meta is just don’t do them and farm for the Alunira mount. Something that will stay with you permanently.

They might delete Delves out of the game because they are too much like Fallout 76: brainless, time consuming and almost non existent mechanics.

I don’t know monk at all but I know a lot of people have been getting creative with their other CC in place of interrupt cooldowns. I’m thinking about speccing into the paladin AoE disorient just to deal with multicaster situations.

Oh yeah sure, Garrote CAN aoe silence, that’s for you know 1 millisecond after stealth and only if the enemies are standing on top of my crotch, so no one is specced into that until M+ sadly.

Kidney shot on 30 sec CD. Blind just breaks because yeah, we’re a 25 year old game. Um Sap is only good for Blackjack on initial opener for 6 seconds or whatever it is.

For some reason every single thing Rogue has lasts like 2 seconds and then you’re just screwed. These are probably easier as Outlaw but I don’t have weapons to run Outlaw, might be easier on Sub??? Too late now, already boycotting them lol.

I won’t touch a Delve again until I start gearing my BDK.

I can’t speak to Assassination, I’ve never played it not once. Assuming Rogue didn’t get any mega overhauls from DF, Sub and Outlaw should definitely be running roughshod over this content if you’ve got your esoteric “I might need this once in an AV” binds setup, which is how I’ve always played rogue. A lot of the dangerous casts (esp. on the Nerubians) are like 3 seconds, so a delayed stutter silence to nitpick things in a group and vanish out to reset should work pretty well with most of the more annoying packs?

In general the bosses are less concerning than groups that happen to have like two casters from what I can tell.

Running talents that are slightly different from what you might run in raid seems to be reasonable. Just eyeballing, I feel like ideal delve talents are going to look somewhere in-between M+ and WQ. You need burst control and burst damage for packs with some sustain and importantly DCDs for bosses.

This is likely known and potentially even intentional considering that most achievements and peek rewards are connected to doing it solo.

I just named every CC we have that I use, does it sound like I don’t have everything bound? I’m also using full consumes and the Rogue specific weapon enchant. I also Shiv stuff to make it slower because it gives an enhanced slow for 1 millisecond.

How useful do you think Vanish is really going to be? They just turn and start hitting Bran, then turn back to me the moment I start DPSing. Now my Vanish is gone for when I actually need it.

I’m not running a raid setup either.

I don’t think Vanish does what you think it does in Delves lol. Plus our “heal when you vanish” is complete dog trash and isn’t being buffed until the rework patch.

I was under the assumption that Vanish also drops Brann out of combat, what with the reset talk, yeah. But even if it doesn’t, he’s incredibly durable if he doesn’t have the Seal of Blood-style idol equipped – I barely see his health go down at all even when I facepull into a huge group and I’ve popped Divine Shield. Letting him facetank for me has been clutch a few times today.

Not trying to speak down to you, just hoping to help spitball ideas. Apologies if I’m irritating.

Delve talent picks == PVP talent picks. Minimal AOE, all defensives, all CC, and burst damage.

Nah you’re fine. This scenario I’m talking about, with interrupting mobs or whatever, the casters are never next to me, it’s impossible for me to deal with split adds like this unless I just have every single CD up at all times whenever I need them, maybe I could do it.

But for some reason Blizzard kneecaps this class reallllllly badly, that’s what I was saying about nothing working outside of stealth, nothing lasts but seconds and there are fat af CDs on all my important abilities for no reason.

The vanish and let Brann do stuff for a sec definitely works on bosses though, I was using that to bandage.

I can certainly believe that. There is a reason that despite having basically only played Rogue and Priest from BC to DF, I am playing neither this expansion, heh. I don’t consider myself qualified to speak on whether or not they are good, but they don’t feel fun to me anymore. AoE Blind I think would do gangbusters as Outlaw in particular but all those DoTs in Sin…

I definitely see the parallels with PvP, for sure. Ret basically explodes AoE damage everywhere by accident now so the burst AoE is key for me, but sap/sheep and takedown I’m sure is a really solid strategy for a lot of things.

Knowing Blizz the answer to this will be to leave solo alone, buff mob health by 300% per group member in parties and then everyone will complain.

They’ll still be harder for solo, they won’t be difficult for groups but b they’ll be a slog that takes three times as long, and someone will say “who asked for this?”

Well if you’re up to the challenge you’ll go solo.
If you’re not up to it, you can go in a party.

I did them solo, but have no issue with others having an easier time in a party.
I’ll never party for them.

What they need to do in an attempt to start making them “fun” is delete the ground effects out, every single one. The webs, the acid, the this, the that. Get rid of the fears. Also increase the cast times of everything by 70% or better yet just delete casts out.

Nothing should be casting in these, get rid of it.

As a ret paladin I feel attacked on the auto attack bit…that is MY talent and I unga bunga quit well with its AoE damage…

Haha, sorry bro, didn’t mean to cast stray bullets with that one.

I wish this was like Grim Dawn and you could have an entire build built around auto attacking. (I have an auto attacker in GD and it absolutely destroys lol).
Even Path of Exile 2 is going to add support for auto attacking.

Blizzard is just um, what do you call it, they’re basically Bethesda now.

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no one cares… delves are supposed to be easy/free loot. nothing good comes from them gear wise… thats what mythics and raids are for. delves are for casuals