Delve +8 is way too easy

Neither are hard, the Delves are a waste of time though and can be annoying.

What difference does it even make, people are doing them as groups anyway.

Part of me thinks they’re gonna make delves in groups a more difficult affair, just to keep solo players satiated.

Because group content already exists, like M+.

I fear if they don’t, delves will just become group content by expectation.

Especially when these are touted as “solo content”, they kinda need to make sure it’s doable.

Just make the solo ones easier. Although probably people are going to be ‘forced’ to do delves in groups instead of mythic plus if the gear is the same for less effort.

Because we know that Blizzard likes to tune things based on what groups are doing. Hence the reason cloth drops are so abysmal now.

Well yeah that too.

D8 is doable solo. I had a damn hard time as spriest and rogue, but managed them while also well under target ilvl. Some classes will certainly have an easier time than those and Brann will help once he’s leveled out of incompetence. I’m not too worried about exact spec parity, that’s never going to be perfect. Anything that’s trash in delves is prob also dog in pvp, that’s what really needs more attention.

It shouldn’t be pathetically easy as a group, because then that really is the default way to do them.

Call me crazy but I honestly think these should be capped at 1 person maximum


No, T8 delves should be solo only.

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Yea. I left a delve because enemies had an intermittent explosion for free damage, just because. I only have so much healing as fury. Once thats gone and hte explosions keep happening, shows over, bud.

yeah but garbage as solo the whole freaking point of delves was to be able to do this stuff youself and so far there horrible solo and therefor once again we have end game content that is designed around group play which is the opposite of what delves should be.

Imagine if you fired up Elden Ring and every single enemy just walked up to you and slapped you and 1 hit you, including the boss and the only way to beat them was to grind out gear for 7 days, then you can finally not be 1 tapped, but in return you 2 shot the enemy.

This is WoW right now.

Solo player tears in an MMO.


And very very salty

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Look at the replies here, people using OP classes say it’s soooooo easy. They don’t care that other classes can’t do T8 solo, it’s all about them and no one else.

Delves aren’t balanced properly.

My toons are all 560-570.

Pally, DH, DK all can barely get through 4s.

Not everyone did 20 dungeons a day to get max ilvl for season 1 start.

Most posts I’ve seen on the forums say it’s too hard, a few say +8 delves are easy. Seems you are a minority.

I’ve only done delves solo, haven’t taken a group in yet. But I haven’t even tried a +5 on my toons sitting at 567 and 568. I die 2 or 3 times in +4 delves.

They also need to not get HARDER in a group, because when somebody takes you, and you’re 1% worse, you need to not be hurting them.

I got my big three pieces of gear from renown, soooo. Teh rest all came from the occasional heroic and quest rewards/weekly chests. Well, other than the one weapon, that came from a bountiful delve. The polearm came from a heroic, I think. OTher than tha. I spent a ton of stones on upgrading stuff. I only got the ww gera chievement yesterday after finishing one of the WQs and getting a decent ring.

Correction. I did buy a darkmoon deck.

There’s people in here literally mocking people for playing solo, no duh they don’t care, it’s worse, they are antagonistic.

Delves aren’t solo anyway. The content is a lazy, boring farce and Dorki had been saying this since beta, but he wasn’t wanting to be negative, you could hear it in his voice though, but yeah, these things are freaking awful and pointless, I wish you could sell the coffer keys on the AH.

Unless that healer is a battle healer, they aren’t coming to my runs and even still I’d want them as a DPS. A significant portion of the damage in delves is avoidable and the things that aren’t can be reasonably mitigated by defensives and self sustain.

Brann does fine enough as a healer anyway. Let him chuck potions on the ground and run over them when needed. Plus he’s way faster of a dispeller than a human is.

I agree, i think delves was made to tailor to a different player base than dungeons and raids. My girlfriend is terrible at combat (god help me she doesn’t see this post) and doing delves in a chill manner is the only thing that she can do and feels rewarding, other than questing.


No ones mocking you for playing solo.

It was suggested that you can have a smoother time playing with others, if you are having such a bumpy time solo.

Its also worth mentioning that yes, those of us who put in the time are better at the game, and have progressed farther, however this does not change the fact that we did work our way up from zero just like you have to.

Just like everything in life, it takes a lot of practice to master anything. Video games are no different.

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