Repeatedly trying to use your own lack of knowledge on what Warcraftlogs is as an argument is a creative approach at least. Really stupid, but creative. Kind of like making a melee Hunter spec.
I don’t care about your preferences beyond the fact that you’re clearly not a Hunter main and you don’t even know much about Hunters. Yet that doesn’t stop you from coming here and pretending you have anything of value to say.
Link the character.
And then I sent you a link to the Heroic logs.
I’m not here to handhold you through reading warcraftlogs. You can go for yourself and check the heroic, or even normal logs for all the previous tiers. There’s a consistent pattern of SV being an extremely unpopular spec going all the way back to becoming melee. The only exception is, again, Sepulcher and even then it’s still middle-of-the-pack at best. Every other tier it’s among last place. It’s the most consistently unpopular out of any spec.
I’m not going to list out every tier from Warcraftlogs for you. You will have to figure it out for yourself. That’s not me “stalling”. You came to this thread not having a clue where to see representation data while everyone else has been using that website for years. That’s on you for being uninformed.
This shouldn’t be news to anyone but given how uninformed on most things you’ve been so far I wouldn’t put it past you but here goes: every Hunter had melee abilities. They were baseline to the class, just as every Hunter had traps, ranged weapons, and pets. The intent was to make use of all of these tools where necessary, and the ranged toolkit was deliberately tuned high at a baseline level to ensure the Hunter was incentivised to stay at range and use ranged attacks as long as possible. That included Survival.
Cool story. Playstyle preferences are great because you can’t be wrong. You could genuinely enjoy a playstyle where you spammed nothing but a 5 second immobile cast to do all your DPS. You would be very lonely in that preference, but you wouldn’t be wrong. And that’s the case with Survival: you could genuinely enjoy the fact that the spec revolves around Mongoose Bite and Kill Command with little else but most normal people are going to find that gameplay to be degenerate and that’s a big part of why Survival is such a deeply unpopular spec.
The thread was literally created by someone who likes melee Survival. This isn’t just people who want Survival to be ranged. Much of Survival’s fanbase, which is small to begin with, is unhappy with it and asking for a rework.
Wow, what an observation: out of the hundreds of thousands of people who play this game, there are at least more than zero that enjoy Dragonflight SV! This is another stalling tactic of yours. No one has ever claimed that literally 0 people like DF SV. With a sufficiently large population you’ll find support for any position or any preference, even if it’s from just a handful of people. It’s literally impossible to get truly 0 support for anything. That’s why what we say is most people don’t like it. It’s not healthy for the design of this class or Hunters as a whole to devote an entire 3rd of it to something that’s so nonsense and so utterly replusive to most Hunters that it only gets played by a tiny niche. Especially as a replacement to something very popular.