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he shouldn’t care honestly. it don’t matter what you are in this game you get bs. i’ve seen and heard straight people get treated so bad on my server. i been called the n word so many times for being black and made fun of for being lgbt its all around everywhere in this game i just laugh it off. and i definitely wouldn’t be playing on moonguard with some of the most immature people in this game


I think people highly exaggerate the extent to which Proudmoore is uniquely LGBT-friendly; maybe it was like that ten years ago, but now it doesn’t feel that different from the other realms I play on. I think any RP realm would likely be similarly LGBT-friendly because RP types seem at least marginally less homophobic/transphobic on average

It is an extremely Alliance-dominated realm but the Horde isn’t entirely extinct here, and I’m personally planning to play some Horde characters on it when 9.2.5 comes (or perhaps before that, in preparation for it). I think a lot of people will.

I’m also pretty sure cross-faction play will go a long way towards reducing or perhaps eliminating the problems caused by faction imbalance generally. I’ve seen way more people who admit that they’re thinking of switching to Alliance (or who have switched already) than I was originally expecting

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Yes, Proudmoore was far more LGBTQ-friendly many years ago. The server merge and the BlizzCon fiasco did a lot to murder the community on Proudmoore.

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Damn, i read that and spit water all over my keyboard. Got a damn good laugh out of this.

Well played, very well played.

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The declaration “I’m trans” is neither hooting nor hollering. Nothing about this statement is wrong or deceitful. The OP made a statement of fact; they didn’t grandstand or turn the post into a theatrical number—they made a statement of fact.


I can second this, RP realms specifically Moonguard and WRA tend to be very open to a lot of the stuff and tend to have a pretty accepting community


If people make fun of you, ignore them. We have thick skin for obvious reasons, dont take this game personally. This is a video GAME, not real life.

Responding to the title of the thread mainly.
Great idea! It’s not like segregation has lead to any problems in the past…

Nothing about this predicament is funny to anyone who lives it.


Or to anyone who has some empathy.

Or basic reading comprehension.


What “predicament” would that be?

Being misgendered in voice chat? Intolerant, ignorant dudebros using you as a punchline? Concern trolling gnomes pretending not to understand how they are actively, intentionally, making it worse?


if your lgbt it ain’t hard to find guilds in wow in 2022 they are all over the place. i’m sure there’s tons on moonguard where that stuff don’t happen. you don’t have to come complain here put some effort in and find a guild. there’s no point in putting these kinds of posts up. i have charcters all over never have a problem finding a lgbt guild. trolls be sad in 2022.

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You mean putting in the effort to ask for some recommendations even if it means some people will flip their wigs thinking it’s some grand gesture of something?


on the general forums? sure thats the best way to go about it. this place is worthless for anything you get better help in trade than here.

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Oh the irony. I’m not concerned, people make their choices, just like you choose to pretend explain the “predicament”.

This is not a thing. You can choose what you would like to be called but you can’t force others to call you whatever you like, that’s just the way it is and the way it will always be. You can also choose to be offended by things and let it bother you or move along, no one is making you play with “Intolerant, ignorant dudebros”.

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Damn, your trade chat must be better than what I was used to.

Might not be the best spot, but seems like people are making a fuss over this for no reason.

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It is a thing, and if done intentionally is reportable as harassment and actionable as such, if it happens where forum guidelines or in game EULA apply.

well i’m on proudmoore it’s announced in trade guess i shouldn’t be so harsh. but i see lots of other servers that announce that kind of thing in trade.