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there is only one realm for what your asking its proudmoore there is no other realm that is the realms identity one of the few realms on wow that was able to retain theirs. unlike the other realms forced to merge into realms that were culturally not compatable and has only caused problems it forced blizzard to reassess how they “enforce” rules which would not be a problem if they didnt force the merge and allowed realms to keep their identity sorry i went on a rant.

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You’re better off finding a guild of like-minded people, than trying to narrow down an entire server.

I play on Proudmoore. It’s not perfect. There are still jerks. But, it is overall a cool place to be.

So, find a cool guild, and any server will do. You could poke around here, as a decent place to start.

Trans is a gender not a sexuality…

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there is only one gender and his name is WHAT! his name is WHAT! his name is SLIM SHADY

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I wish you well in your journey.

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If you’re self conscience about your voice use a soundboard.
Mr Rogers and Chuck Norris are my favorites.
I’ve been told my voice sounds like Morgan Freeman tho.

It was hidden for probably half the day. Not sure how that’s “rushing” to anything. Not to mention, it’s not spam and not against CoC.

I’ve seem people play characters and change into costumes ,yet in the long run ,it’s not different only thing matters to me is the person within.

I’m just saying it because it should be said for the mouth breathers of GD.

Source: This got 90+ replies

get thick skin. Or tell the Illidan or A52 player to actually put up number that don’t suck before they speak lol.

I see this pvp side. For some…they work off of back in classic THIS was THE PVP server.

Okay…the year is 2022. there are no pvp servers. and many of their new joins/transfers are the not supposed pvp masters they think they are.

Being on server x does not give any supposed expertise from 10 years ago via osmosis lol.

also don’t take it personal. and hope for OCE servers like frostmourne. You get a few frostmournes in the instance for some reason illidan and A52 loves to trash talk them. I don’t see why…but it is what it is.

If this is the main thing you’re looking for (and you aren’t trying to raid Mythic) then a cross-realm community with an active raid team may be a better option than a guild. I’d be shocked if there aren’t any Horde LGBT communities out there with a raid team.

I mean, you can look me or my guild up. We’re pretty welcoming and we do the PvE things!!

What kinds progression you looking for? If you message me/mail me in game I can link our discord.

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Dalaran is about 50/50 horde alliance. There is a guild called Crimson Lancers. It’s a big guild and I think you’d be fine there. Tell em J sent ya.

Alot of us are also still around

Well you could just play with people and hopefully change some minds. Also stop being so bent about what anyone else says/thinks. Nobody cares who/what you are and the fact that you get upset is the only reason they continue to push it. Basic bully mentality.

The sooner people start getting along by forced interaction the sooner we can get over this kind of BS. And the sooner we stop having to hear “I’m x,y, or z flavored”.

As far as anyone here is concerned you are Znth, A Night Elf, and A Druid. If you make it more complicated than that then it’s on you.

Well, this isn’t spam. This is a legitimate issue. Maybe you don’t see that because it’s not an issue for YOU–but then that’s called PRIVILEGE; making a post to lament the fact that what isn’t spam wasn’t taken down is called ENTITLEMENT.



how they know your lgbt in the first place? i don’t run around telling people what i am no one cares what you are.


Should probably read the OP where they mention as soon as they get on voice people notice and it gets things rolling, mistreatment and all. You have the privilege of not having such things happen to you, where people start making remarks because of one’s voice or make comments of ‘voice changer’ among other really awful remarks as a result. Saying “No one cares what you are” is completely untrue, and this thread does prove that further.