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Did you stretch before that reach?

I said it’s a game. You log in, kill dragons and whatnot, and have fun. The dragons don’t need to know if you’re queer, etc.


If there’s a gigantic megathread full of like-minded individuals – why would you NOT post there? It seems that would be the best place for this type of question, right? A big thread where people with similar dispositions gather to chat and discuss things?

I’ll tell you why – because you want to do the whole “LOOK AT ME!” bit and start some shenanigans on the forums. It’s the same stuff every time. Whatever floats your boat, I guess – just don’t be surprised if no one cares what you identify as or what you do in the bedroom. It’s just not relevant information

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Proudmoore Horde is small, but we have many LGBT guilds there. The “Spreading Taint” family of guilds dominates in Horde on that server

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People use voice chat for progression content. If you’re trans like myself and the OP with a voice that doesn’t pass for your chosen gender, you can fully expect to be referred to by the wrong gender by other players, and cannot remedy this without talking about the fact that you are trans.

Go touch grass.


I didn’t see a joke, either. Maybe you could point it out?

Though, if it’s that oblique, it probably wasn’t funny anyway.


It’s ok, probably hard to see it from your safe space. Better that way, I suppose.

I am non-passing trans. I do not have the luxury of people assuming my gender correctly. If I don’t announce it, I am treated in a way I do not want to be treated.

In most contexts, that would be called standing up for myself.


This is a good question.

Probably just choose any realm. What you like to do with your private parts shouldn’t matter in a video game.


Is this you saying you looked it over and discovered an utter lack of humor?

Okay, that one actually is pretty good.


I hate that your post has been flagged when there’s nothing offensive about it.

LGBTQ guilds on Proudmoore were mostly the Taint family of guilds. I don’t know if they’re still around, but “back in the day” guilds like Spreading Taint, Taint, and Creeping Taint were all Horde-side LBGTQ guilds.

With the cross-realm solution, Proudmoore’s LGBTQ-friendly vibe collapsed from the hatefulness that came flooding in from other realms.

I understand where you’re coming from and why finding an LGBTQ guild is important; straight guilds take it for granted that you’re going to be like them–have an opposite-sex partner, have kids, etc.–and it gets uncomfortable dodging their questions (esp. when they say things that sound like far-right dog-whistles in chat.)

Good luck finding a guild.

If you’re looking for a guild specifically, mine is very queer-friendly, but we’re eeeehhh on progression with a very mixed bag of player levels. We do a fair bit of carrying and basically no class optimization, so while we usually get AOTC, it’s often toward the end of the patch. We don’t even touch Mythic raids.

But I can’t speak to the quality of the server as a whole, because I left both General and Trade years ago.


I’ve known LGBTQ Horde. A lot of them quit after the whole Corpsegrinder fiasco at BlizzCon where Alliance were singled out as the “gay” (going to use that word instead of the hateful term that talentless Cookie Monster wannabe used) faction.

I don’t think Horde players are anti-LGBTQ, per se. I do think that the devs decided to cast the Alliance in this role and then used BlizzCon to push that narrative.

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There’s a lot of stuff that happens in chat that, honestly, even straight “allies” don’t view as being exclusionary although it is.

It’s not always homophobia or transphobia that’s the problem; there’s a LOT of heterocentrism that occurs which leads to feelings of ostracism.


Wyrmrest Accord is probablyt the most tolerate horde realm.


Perhaps that thread is filled with players like the OP, have faced similar issues as the OP, and have possible solutions for the OP.

It was good advice, stop arguing just to argue.


You mean how I gave respectful advice in the beginning?

Their post, which was deleted for being hostile, was far from advice or respectful. It was dismissive and nasty.

You seem to be the one who is arguing just to argue. I’d suggest finding someone else to try that with. Enjoy your day.


That speaks to a broader cultural problem that stories have done a good job of teaching people that bigotry and discrimination are bad, but a terrible job of teaching what they are outside of the biggest, reddest flags. Everyone understands that using slurs or physically harming people for their sex, skin color, etc. is bad, but anything less overt is much more hit and miss.

Because we culturally only understand “racist,” “sexist,” etc. in those most extreme behaviors, it creates a knee-jerk reaction when people are told that something they did, or said, or even just something they enjoy falls under (or merely approaches) one of those umbrellas, they feel they are being equated with the most monstrous depictions of those behaviors. Being bigoted or exclusionary becomes treated as a tautological binary, where the chain of reason flows, “I don’t do those extreme things, therefore I’m not a bigot. I’m not a bigot, therefore nothing I do could be bigoted/exclusionary.”

It makes having these conversations a minefield where you just have to hope whoever you’re dealing with doesn’t turn defensive as soon as you raise the point.


Geez, why do people get so butthurt over ridiculous stuff. Just watch and move on with your day. Forum viewers are something else.