Delete premades

Delete BG premades, ty and have a good day.


I’m down with that, when Blizzard fixes their garbage matchmaking and completely unbalanced groups.

I feel as though people give far too much credit to premades. Anecdotally, of course, it seems to me that the vast majority of premades are completely uncoordinated groups assembled through /LookingForGroup with no requirements other than a good number of healers.

It also seems to me that a lot of people give up before the match even begins, and/or start saying things like, “Just let them cap” at the first sign of any effort being required. “It’s a premade!” and there are like people from 5 different servers on the other team.

Just reroll a priest and start solo queuing as a healer, and make an actual effort.


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delete postmades imo. as in, posts made by whiners


such constructive feedback

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Hey ho, hey ho, premades have to go!

Hey ho, hey ho, premades have to go!


That is pretty much GG for any pug vs premade regardless of how uncoordinated the premade may be.

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And if you think it’s so easy to win as a premade vs any pug, start leading some and see how that goes.

Protip: Teams do better when they don’t give up.


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Or you could stop being anti social and join a premade

Ya premades are out of hand @OP - agree.

I was recently on a PUG vs PUG in Warsong. My team didn’t got a single healer and the enemy team got a priest and two druids. It was just as bad as premade vs PUG because they were smart enough to stick together. It was a one-sided all the way and ended up farming honorable kills. I decided to desert.
Anyway… ideally, I would like to see some kind of match making to ensure a minimum number of healers.

Pre-made vs pre-made is also boring. One fight with 20 players congealed. Bg pvp is done. Unsubbed.

Lets take a look,

Hmm… Lf priest… priest… hunter…

Nope, no lfgs for me

Counter point, even if the premade isnt hyper organized.

Having 10 people who actively want to win and try, by itself is huge.

Also composition

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I’ll just leave a link to my post from this morning as a reason why deleting premades is a crap idea, but why I’ll massively advocate for it on a (very) temporary basis:

WSG Premade 10 people should fight a premade of 10 others. Not steam role newbs just joining a match “””Trying to have fun”””” Legit so tilted today! I’m getting slapped by pre mades vs teams with 4 priests 4 pallys 2 hunters the game is so unfun when this happens it’s bad enough it’s unbalanced but getting zerged too and graveyard camped… I’m losing my feelings for wow at this rate I’m maxed 3 toons, I farmed gold, I did crafting for first time I’m in 2 guilds, about to roll other toon on alliance so I can see how OP pally is, I want 40 cap now please and Make it a good please. They talk about changes for life improvements but they leave pallys buffs on 5min and shamens imbues on 5 mins. They leave HS down a hour, flight paths fly so slow!! Ban bots, open up summoning stones! Priest buffs costing 400 mana makes me not wanna buff my team outside of dungeons. Like serious make the game better! Fix the toxic stuff not change the game because people love classic feel or what ever… but no one in there right mind loves 400mana single target buffs!!! Heart my comment or mail it to a dev please I have 11+ plus days played in wow SOD. I’m a try hard and I wanna enjoy phase 2 I wanna enjoy a better classic wow change more then just runes n dungeons… Fix stuff