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Sark isn’t a short fight. It may not be as long as say Sylvanus or Sire but it still has 3 phases.

Heroic with the top parse on the fight is an 8+ minute fight.

Errrrrr?? Just looking at my own first kills

Sire heroic: 8~ mins

Sylv Heroic: 10~ mins

Jailer Heroic: 7 mins~ (But it was reset 4 or smth because the boss dropped nothing that was worth progging for)

Nzoth Heroic: 10~ mins

Azshara Heroic: 8 mins 30

Raszageth Heroic: 10 mins 30

Sarkareth Heroic: 6 mins 21

Even on heroic Sarkareth is a short fight. On mythic it’s an incomparably short fight.

Log please. The top parse in heroic has the fight at 8 minutes.

This is a boost run. Half the players are dead from the start.

I think part of the reason for the slow rollout, and a reason that I support, is so that Raiders (i.e., people who raid because they like it, not so they can see the end boss cinematic in game) aren’t forced to do a whole additional difficulty for tier/gear early in the patch.

Personally, I find it absolutely miserable running LFR. Most people doing it can’t be bothered to know or do a single mechanic. Plus the chat is usually pretty toxic, due in no small part because of the complete incompetence and (much worse) lack of effort of most LFR players.

If you want to raid sooner, take an hour to learn the fights and go do normal. Pugging normal isn’t very challenging if you actually try to play the game. It’s also a heck of a lot more fun imo.

But if you want to faceroll your way through the “raid” with zero effort or skill, then you can wait until everyone else gets their loot first so we don’t have to spend time hard-carrying the LFR squad through the content.

6 weeks seems fine to me.

To be honest I just picked the top parse and looked at fight length due to walking into a building.

My kill from last night was 6:58, and we brought through a few people that hadn’t seen it before, so that’s certainly not the fastest.

I mean I can’t explain blizzards reasoning. End of the day I support the delay.

Our hc sark kill last night was 4:30 and it was an absolute mess.

So, if people are clearing normal, heroic, and mythic, why are you coming on here to complain? All of these ridiculous entitled posts “waah, I can’t do it my way, so I should be catered to.” No one is making you wait, except for you.

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i love these threads every time a new raid opens.

I was watching Netflix , I do realise there’s a lot less damage especially in p3

wait wait wait, there bs excuse to the TIME GATE & the carpet pull of the last boss is a “sense of progression”? The only thing I feel is being treated like a free to play player in this PAY TO PLAY game. You are active pushing people away. Hell started playing pre wrath haven’t touched WoW since Tuesday when I found out we were LIED too about wing 3 opening, wing 3 is NOT open. The Elder Scrolls online 5 doller buy in, and free to play has been far more rewarding then Dragonflight & we HAVE to pay for WoW.

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If youre so hard up for gear a month into this that youre still stuck on raiding in LFR then WoW might not be for you.

I wonder if this is geared towards casual players who buy the xpac, play the first few weeks of each patch and cancel the sub. They’re forcing these players to buy an extra month of game time. Why would they change this if it benefits THEM?

Remember: it’s not about us it’s about them. You think you want less of a wait on LFR wings, but they know better.

i cant wait for the sweet sweet taste of 10 determination stacks
(after pulling 25 times because we kept wiping before earning a stack)

That’s the thing though. We’re now waiting longer than we did in vault.

Vault LFR was 8 bosses 3 wings and it released its final wing in week 5.

Now we’ve had 8 bosses in 3 wings out of a 9 boss raid and they’ve made the last boss an extra 2 weeks.

I havent seen a group get max stacks of determination on any boss in lfr this expansion.

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You will get it eventually. Keep on keeping on.

If its a joke, why is no one laughing?

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