Delete Please

Me neither. Think the highest I’ve gone during DF was 5-6. I remember hitting max stacks on Lei-Shen though on more than one occasion.

They should stop gating questlines through raiding. One day, blizztards will realize that very few people enjoy raiding.

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Lei Shen was long and complex. He dropped a very nice trinket for me.

It’s not a matter of if. It IS a joke.

Because most people aren’t good enough to realize it.

Nonono. You dont need skill to laugh, silly. What you said made no sense. I think a sense of humor is required.

There’s having a se se of humor and the. There’s taking g a word out of context

They have.

False. 10char

Technically it doesn’t require you to do the raid, but it does require you to wait for the lfr wing to be out or do the raid.

The quest isn’t gated behind the raid, but it is timegated by it.

Dumb technicality as both result in effectively the same experience for those who dont raid outside of the odd Lfr, but still.

Thats still gating.

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Depends. I’d take gating to mean ‘You can’t do X thing until you do Y thing’.

In this case you can opt to never do Y thing, you just have to wait.

Again it results in the same experience and I don’t think they should have done it this way anyway, but that is the difference people will argue about.

We’ve known Sarkareth is in his own wing since the PTR for the patch was up.

I made a CC thread about LFR timegating waaaay back when I was on the CC.

Blizzard doesn’t care. They only cater to the Mythic Raiders.

The fact they retained the mythic raider on the CC that advocates for removing LFR and actively spoke down to me constantly because I’m a casual player should speak volumes.

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Time gating is still gating. Thats the problem.

Unfortunately im addicted to WoW but i still am playing less than i normally would. Most people have moved on. The wow community on retail is abysmally tiny.

I agree with you that time-gating LFR is stupid. I don’t do normal, mythic and heroic raids, and it’s not because I’m not good enough or do enough damage. It’s because I don’t have an IO score and if I try to get an invite I always get shot down. I could do a normal or heroic through my guild but they raid later then my time zone so that’s a no go for me. If Blizzard ever stops LFR I’m leaving and taking my credit card with me and I can tell you thousands of others would too. I understand they are greedy and want $$ and gating this keeps some there longer, but for most of us we don’t plan on leaving. I’m hoping they change this next expansion but I doubt it.

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Would you be OK with no time-gating but Determination was removed? And you would frequently queue in and be unable to kill bosses at all? Because that would be the trade-off.

Would you be ok with LFR having a standardised release schedule from tier to tier, so we don’t have swings of 2-4 weeks between when end bosses get released?

The gating is, in my opinion, fine. It’s when they extend it arbitrarily that it starts to grate.


The gear is lower because of the lower difficulty.

The delay is because of the solonque and determination buff.

You clearly have never played on a sports team in your life. To earn my spot I have to perform. In order to perform as a demo lock the echo trinket is required.

So no I don’t actually have a choice but to farm that boss on every difficulty if I want to do the content I want to do.

And yes they should cater to players like me. I play more of the game and are more of a majority than the LFR only crowd