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Delete please. Thank you.


There used to be no delay at all. But when they added the determination buff in Throne of Thunder, they also started delaying the wing releases.

It’s to mimic a sense of progression. For raid teams, clearing the raid takes time. A raid is supposed to last weeks or months, not be cleared in a single day.

When they added determination, they made it so everybody was guaranteed to clear the entire thing within an hour or two. So the same patch they added determination, they also started delaying the wing rollouts.

Basically, since the fights themselves no longer take time to work through, Blizzard must fall back on using the calendar to do that, instead.

This all started with the Determination buff. You can’t separate the two.

And this isn’t speculation. Blizzard was quite clear about it when determination was introduced.


Bro people had normal on farm by week 2. There is no need for LFRs final boss to be delayed for a month and a half. Especially when we cant finish the campaign without killing him.

Whats next? Normal is time gated too so we keep a “sense of progression”?


Wasn’t the original intent behind LFR to be an alternative for people that didn’t want to raid to experience the content and the story? Timegating the content to give a sense of “progression” seems like the opposite of that idea, and that argument doesn’t seem to hold much weight in a world where people insist that normal difficulty is a joke now


Lfr sarky shoulda come out today.


My team also had normal on farm by then.

We are also not the people for whom LFR is intended, though.

What people-who-are-not-you accomplish does not matter to LFR players, and I’ve never understood why they seem to think it does.


According to Ghostcrawler, LFR was an attempt to bandage the game’s bleeding of subscribers in Cataclysm by using raiding, since raiding was (again according to Ghostcrawler) the most cost-efficient and effective form of player retention that Blizzard had at that point discovered.

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I agree, it’s stupid to time-gate LFR this long. If we can’t get LFR fully unlocked at the same time as all the other difficulties, then they should at least fully unlock it once the RWF is over or the Hall of Fame is filled.


I’m going to need at least 10 stacks if the Nzoth fight was any indication

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


Sark is a real nuthouse of a fight, that’s for sure.

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Personally I think LFR should release way sooner.
But for real, let’s all just sit back and imagine the clown fiesta that is going to be Sark LFR. Heck LFR still can’t get Rasz figured out after all this time.
I hopped in LFR Rasz for another chance at the drake skin last week and it was so much worse than I imagined.

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My point is that you said:

And yet, you also just said by week two you had the raid on farm. If Normal is so easy that most groups have it on farm (aka not progression, farming it) by week 2-3, why does LFR need to wait 1.5-2 months?

Clearly that is not what a sense of progression is since mkst peopes progression through normal takes 2-3 weeks.

Im not saying to give the final boss day 1, im saying that it doesnt need to take this long for the final boss. Sarkareth could have come today and we would all feel that “progression” your peddling.

Right now this feels more like punishment for not doing normal/heroic raiding.


Should have, but for some inexplicable reason they split him out of the third wing. Third wing only shows Magmorax and Echo of Neltharion in-game, so it seems safe to assume Sark is his own fourth wing.

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Seems incredibly odd to not include Sark in the final wing and have him be a standalone on his own. Maybe just another bug, seems like today has been full of those.

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My team’s core progression is on Mythic. We’re only 4/9 in, like most Cutting Edge teams.

AOTC-only guilds haven’t cleared the raid on their intended difficulty (Heroic), either.

What the Heroic-only and Normal-only playerbases are up to has no effect on me or on my team.

Everyone has a core progression that they focus on, every raid tier. What people who focus on other difficulties are doing is beside the point.


4 weeks should be more than enough to have a “sense of progression”… at least if there’s going to be 4 wings then get 1 per week unlock, not 1 per 2 weeks.

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LFR should be 1 wing per week…and I don’t get why a wing for 2 bosses and a last one just for the last boss.


its no different from the no loot situation in LFR , ive just done all 8 available bosses and won nothing again for multiple weeks in a row i have thousands of flightstones i cant use because all ihave to upgrade is garbage and dont even have a tier piece.
LFR is classed as the easy trash - loot should be falling from the sky , it fast getting to the stage where i just cant be bothered anymore and i dont even pay a real money sub , when someone cant be bothers to log in who isnt even paying for the game it needs looking at asap.


LFR wing with 2 raid bosses? lol how stupid is that. I mean i get vault’s last wing only had 2 because of 8 bosses, but This tier is 9, there should be 3 in each wing. 3-3-3, not 3-3-2-1.


no it’s not. It’s to make casuals to extend their subscription to see the “ending” of current patch