Delete Please

Alot of people forget or werent playing pre-Determination LFR. You werent guaranteed completion or boss kills. Many many runs would hit a wall and break apart.

You dont want to raid due to people being “toxic”? Well, when bosses didnt die and you spent the past hour wiping over and over in LFR…it got ugly. Kicking people was common.

Now, you are 90% sure of the boss dieing at some point. This means players can come in and have a more enjoyable relaxing playtime.

Sure it takes longer for all the bosses to come out, but LFR is alot more hospitable and encouraging for lesser geared players now than back then and I belive its a good thing.

LFR Lei-Shen was a dang nightmare. He really was. Even my worst Raszageth attempts weren’t as bad as any fail regarding Lei-Shen.

Im still unable to complete the quest because work and barely any time to play. Then tyere the weekend where its hard or impossible to even join.

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I’m literally progressing LFR.
8/9 LFR.

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Same here.

9/9 N
9/9 H
8/9 M (60% best)
8/9 LFR

At this rate I’m gonna clear the raid on mythic raiding regular guild hours (9 a week) before I clear Lfr…

This is the first time that’s ever happened.

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Maybe because LFR is literally hard since like half of the raid doesn’t know/care about what is going on so they decided we should progress LFR.

Looks like another yacht for me!

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Honestly I haven’t felt like this so far. There’s nothing in Lfr this time that’s just a binary “you need to know how this works or we wipe” check. Everything’s just always been a 1 shot.

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Yes. As it should be.

Because of determination stacks and the fact it’s auto qued.

It’s not going too. You have a trade off for being qued and braindead easy.

LFR is super easy. The circles on echo alone are a 1/4 of the size they are in heroic. It’s a literal joke how easy LFR is.

Why should it be?

We’ve already got the ‘sense of progression’ from it taking 5 weeks to get this far. Not to mention the difficulty of this tier’s raid being notably lower than that of the previous few. Surely to mirror / maintain parity with that this Lfr tier should have opened faster so you have a comparable difference in resets until clear for the average person in each game mode.

The only justification I can see for sarkareth being in its own wing releasing another two weeks later is ‘Because blizzard said so’ and as such it’s the only reason I can see anyone defending it.

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Determination stacks.

Forcing raiders to do it for items

Trade off for being a Que and entirely too easy

Sense of progression for solo/LFR players

Gives solo players and LFR only players a chance to progress their gear high enough to qualify for it.

There’s 5 reasons.

5 reasons it should take 5 weeks for it to open. Give me a good reason for it to take 7.

I just have you 5

So are these good reasons bliz should actually split into 2 bosses every 2 weeks? Or maybe 1? Or maybe 1 every 3 weeks?

Idk I kinda just get the feeling you hate the concept of Lfr full stop.

5 weeks was enough this time.

If they wanted to delay it so long they shouldn’t have tied it to the campaign.


Screw that they can keep Siege in get rid of Spine

If you have the ability to skip bosses there should absolutely be a delay. If you want it to release the full LFR raid when the other raids launch it needs to have determination removed and you Que for boss 1 and have to clear every boss before the last boss.

Determination stacks are the main reason it’s time gated.

I hate being forced to LFR to do the content I enjoy.

I have never felt forced to do LFR for gearing at all, I just did m+ and normal and beyond. I only do LFR to see the content with my partner.

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At no point did I say I wanted Lfr to release in full week 1. I said this time around the rate of clears for mythic normal and heroic were quick enough that LFR taking 7 weeks to open feels excessive, and 5 would have at least felt more on par with the difficulty of the raid as a whole.

And sarkareth releasing this week would have caused that? Really?