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And if Determination was removed, it could go back to that.

I don’t mind the fact that LFR wings are timegated in general, but the gates shouldn’t exceed more than one week though in my view. They certainly should not present a blocker to an open-world campaign if nothing else.

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This is once again incorrect.

“Lei Shen is a real monster, and we want his encounter to feel climactic. Most normal mode raiders won’t see him for a while, and that climactic feel is diminished when players have already been farming him for weeks in the Raid Finder before they ever get to see him on normal mode with their guild mates.”

Now, obviously that doesn’t preclude other reasons being involved in their motivations for staggered releases of LFR wings, but ensuring raiders are given a chance to actually first see the raid encounters in their raids, with their friends and guildies, and not in Raid Finder, is one explicit purpose for staggering the release of LFR wings. Even if all other factors were removed away, this alone would probably be enough to justify staggered releases; of course staggered releases can simply mean a week or two, and does not have to span into months. Especially with Normal mode in its current incarnation (as opposed to Normal mode back then).

If the wing included Sarkareth, many would have complained they keep queuing into high determination Sarkareth. Though they could have split it and still released on the same week. Oh well.

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Actually, at the time, WoW was the first MMO on the market that allowed you to solo quest and grind your way to max level with semi-intuitive, plentiful quest flows and easy travel through unlocking flight paths. That simplicity and ability for people to play solo together, not running up against a wall of required grouping unless they wanted to do optional dungeons and raids, made WoW a runaway, genre-dominating success compared to the other MMOs on the market at the time where grouping was pretty much forced at almost all times and the only way to expediently level was to grind difficult, group-requiring mobs or dungeons.

If they’d thought of and worked out the programming required for LFR when the game launched, I don’t doubt they would’ve done it. There was no fundamental part of Vanilla WoW that was built on forcing people to socialize as a philosophy, the option was there but as soon as they worked out a strategy for queued dungeons in WotLK, they put them in. Then expanded that to raids in Cata.

It has only been in hindsight that they wanted people to have to seek each other out to form groups manually again, as a result of newer developers misunderstanding what brought people to the game in the early days in the first place and wanting to force parasocial bonds that they think will keep people logging in, if they feel obligated to their guild-mates and friends, and keeping a tiered class system in place where the major barrier to people being able to progress to higher level content and get show-offy rewards isn’t the difficulty of the encounters as much as it is having the best, most consistent social network.

Edit: Also, I just realized that you’re probably talking about the re-launch of Classic, not Vanilla, but I’d say my point holds - in VANILLA, it wasn’t really about forcing socialization. Not originally.


I would understand their frustration, though find it hard to agree this would make it worse. What were the race to world first guilds doing during the race when they weren’t doing progression pulls of the raid bosses? From what I understand, grinding M+ and buying heroic raid split carries.

So I’m not sure that we’ve moved to something LESS degenerative than, say, running LFR once a week…You could already queue up with your race to world first guildmates and have a smooth run so I can’t see how any complaining is valid there either.

No…I think that if we truly want to fix this…We just need to make raids more like M+ in that we should let people run and loot them as often as they’d like. If you and 19 other people want to kill the same raid boss 100x in a row so everyone gets the drop they want…Well it’s your time and sub. If that’s what you enjoy, go for it.

Imagine being this delusional lol Someone explaining it to you and providing the actual explanation, but twisting it to your own beliefs.
Sounds like a MAGA voter.

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Hopefully LFR from 10.2 onwards will follow a weekly release cycle with the same 2-3 boss wing format.

Less boss but more often? Can see that working. Though, inb4 people complain they don’t get a vault slot after 1st week.

Well, I mean as in maintaining the current cadence. I wouldn’t want them to go to a weekly release schedule while reducing each wing to 1 boss each.

It’s all the same progression race. Guilds farm all difficulties depending on the item. If all wings were open day one, it could become best practice to have to spend much of your first few weeks clearing LFR, as even trinkets and tier pieces could be valuable from this difficulty.

So yes, it can affect raiding generally.

There is little to no effort for lfr. That’s the whole handholding part. Determ. Auto fill. Sadly lazy players like you exist so they have to gate the lfr. Not sure where I confused you.

Definitely not a bug. They have the LFR release dates posted somwwhere and i saw there were 4 wings with Sark as his own wing and his own release date.

you have the same client installed as everyone else.

you want what they have? go get it. you have the gamefiles. only thing stopping you is you.

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Yeah, it’s a bad thing to try to force people who know they aren’t ready to do a real raid (and you know it too) into a normal or (eep!) heroic raid. Of course they won’t get accepted. It’ll just be a bad experience for everybody.

Or to try to force people who don’t have a stable work or home schedule to join a raiding guild, where they won’t be permitted to raid because they can’t guarantee they can show up according to other people’s schedules.

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Fragile ego? I think that’s you being upset you have to wait for lfr since you aren’t good enough otherwise. Lfr isn’t meant easy afk mode for alts either. Oh I forgot you are ok talking here but if someone disagrees with you know it’s not ok to be on the forums… Lol .

You just run for tmog then. What’s the need to rush the unlock? You’ll still be farming for months to years anyways for the set. Good thing you aren’t in charge of game development.

You missed the part where I agree with all of that, was just saying why they did it.
I don’t see it being a bad thing to force people into normal/heroic to see the mechanics and go beyond there current experience with the raid.
But I don’t see why they wouldn’t let these same players do the entirity of LFR, so they can actually be ready for it and know what to expect. Locking the wings is moronic.

Here’s a radical idea, open LFR several weeks before normal and heroic, way more people do LFR than the others anyway.


Remember doing LFR Lei Shen at max stacks? I do. This isnt my primary account but i raided ToT alot. Lfr, normal and couple heroic