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I stg I think we were in the same group, I remember your name…I stuck that out and the only reason we cleared was the sub 25k dps people finally left, and big deeps accidentally queued for fury when they meant aberrus lmao. I was on my pally, Hardverk

Rip nvm there’s another DH with a similar name. Regardless, I can’t even imagine how LFR Sark is going to be completed. Can imagine Zskarn and Nelth will be rough in LFR as well lol

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That fight almost broke me. I was determined to get it done because I like having that clear credit filled up for LFR as well, but I swear it was easier on Normal and Heroic. I never did the Mythic version, so I can’t attest to that.

Didn’t help that a good number of people would just die instantly because they never bothered to get the cloak. :frowning:

For the topic of this thread though, I agree that timegating LFR is just silly and annoying.


At least release LFR the first week with no rewards so we can get the bosses down before going to normal and more. Some of us don’t want to cheat or hold everyone else behind.

Having given Normal a shot, there’s…almost no difference between LFR and Normal in regards to difficulty. No difference in mechanics, we one shot five bosses like it was nothing in a PUG with no communication.

(People had to bail so we didn’t go 7/7 but I have the utmost confidence we could)

There’s no reason why Sark shouldn’t be available in LFR right now. The trash pulls are the most difficult part of the whole raid.

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I’m fine with this…it was awful farming mogs from LFR Diurna since more often than not you would get queued into LFR Raz with less Det stacks than the amount of people who die to the first Lightning Breath.

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I understand what there trying to do but We need to complete a quest…so it’s totally stupid ridiculous to just have it delayed over and over again…what are the planning to do delayed it :thinking: until season 3…come on…just release the dang thing…btw I just downloaded and playing the ffixv.hmmmm


As a filthy LFR enthusiast I just think the entire thing should be out by now. It’s like they know I’m not actually going to quit over it though, six bosses is still theoretically about as much a chance at gear as seven.

And to be honest is Raz is any indication of how sark will be, I’m probably going to do it once for the achievement and then never go back. I died on Raz even after someone explained it, and I think I officially hate her more than Nzoth.


I haven’t touched Vault since after 10.0.5 released.

The last time I can remember trying it in LFR, half the raid just immediately dies to her first breath attack.

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Were you disagreeing or agreeing with removal of determination to accomplish this? Why?

My guild has N Sark on farm already. Dude’s a chump once you get the hang of it.

Looking For Raid is often harder than Normal, and sometimes even Heroic.


When did i even bring up determination. Im saying that we dont need this much time for LFR to fully release.

If you want my determination opinion, I see it as bad group protection of sorts to compensate for people who dont understand whats going on. And I think its a poor excuse to keep timegating LFR.

Not releasing Sark this week for LFR is dumb and arbitrary timegating.


It really is the weirdest thing. And pretty annoying. There’s really no need to do this.


Basically what happened.
Watched a shammy pumping 120k ST into Rasz get yeeted to oblivion from Hurricane Wing. Gear doesn’t equal common sense lol.
Both tanks went the same direction. For some reason they had groups split as 1,2 3 and 5,6,7 or some nonsense. It was a beautiful disaster :laughing:

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They think this will result in more time subscribed by people they see as having no options, because they were given none.


This is beyond BS, been playing since b 4 LFR was invented & no x-pac has been treating LFR this bad since the condescending LFR ONLY tier set from WoD. This is acta craps doing, everything reeks of battle pass time gating aka “renown”. LFR folks have what kept this afloat & there actively :poop:ing on them while also time gating PUBLIC CONTENT like this is a free to play.
Also the delay of the catalyst is equally stupid, WoW 101 ONLY break tier with Tier & given LFR loot has been purposely sabotaged to make gearing harder as the ONLY thing that locks a person from needing something is having with them, you can bank your whole set and NEED on everything you have in the bank no issue.
This has to be intentional or why in the name of god did they waste programming time bringing over the LOOT SPEC options?
Are they dumb or actively screwing public content?


LFR gating was brought in to mimic progression due to determination being introduced, as another poster mentioned.

Fair enough, I’d be fine rolling back LFR timegating if they also roll back the reason it was introduced, which is determination.

I don’t know if you’ve been in LFR groups lately though - without determination, those groups won’t be clearing the raid so early and the effect will be the same (if not worse) in terms of time to clear.

So be careful what you wish for.

August 29th per the release announcement.

I was hoping to finish the Raid quest today, but it only shows two bosses. Why not have 3/3/3, instead of 3/3/2/1? So irritating.


Or could it also be to keep casual players subbed beyond the first week of the patch?

Are WoW devs always completely honest and open about why they implement certain changes or unpopular features?