Delete Please

If that were true, they would have time-gated LFR in Cata and early MoP, too.

greed always grows, it is the case now.


You are misremembering, or deliberately being incorrect.
Wings came out week after another from the very first instance of Raid Finder in Dragon Soul. Siege of Wyrmrest Temple was made available on 29 November 2011, and Fall of Deathwing was made available on 6 December 2011*.

The same trend continued with Mogu’shan Vaults, Heat of Fear, Terrance of Eternal Spring etc.

When Throne of Thunder was introduced, the first 2 wings released within a week of each other (12 March 2013 and 19 March 2013 respectively). The last 2 wings were released on 2 April 2013, and 16 April 2013.

What Blizzard said as an expanation for this was that Lei SHen was being released as a MONSTER. He was going to be significantly harder than any previous end-boss, even on Normal, and they felt the extra time was required to allow guilds time to ensure the first time they saw him dead was on NOrmal difficulty, rather than being stuck on him in Normal prog, then just killing him on LFR for an anticlimactic experience. That was the reason that a 2-week delay between wings was first added.

This is no longer the type of situation the game is in. Normal mode exists as a very easy mode for all guilds, F&F, PuGs etc., to be able to waltz in and kill everything within a week or 2. That’s pretty much Normal mode’s explicit purpose for existing as a difficulty mode. LFR can have wings released week after week, without impacting that in any meaningful way.

*Fall of Deathwing, incidentally, required Siege of Wyrmrest Temple at the time. That “previous wing” requirement was lifted from Legion onwards.


The best part is depending on where they start the raid, there are going to only be like 3 trash pulls. In a way it’s kind of a relief that it’ll be a shorter wing, but it would have still been shorter overall than the first two wings if Sark had been included since he only has 3 additional trash pulls.

I am at least glad this is enough to unlock 3rd vault, meaning you can get a crafted 437 upgrade per week by doing Lfr, but it’s real dumb that in week 5 we still can’t naturally progress the campaign.


I’m fine with it being immediate, as long as they remove determination (it’s introduction is why they staggered it).

But I imagine you’d complain about that too, OP.

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I do like how you say I’m wrong, then quote dates showing I was right. Thank you for the affirmation.

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And those people belonged in heroic or mythic, not normal.



You said there was no delay at all until Throne of Thunder, and that they started delaying the wing releases/rollouts from Throne of Thunder. That’s factually incorrect, since wings were spread out week after week from inception.

You said that this is connected to Determination. It isn’t, since Blizzard explicitly explained why during that patch when they explained the scheduling, and their explanation was about Lei Shen’s difficulty in Normal mode, NOT Determination.

Literally all you did was submit your own wrong headcanon into the mix, and ignore the actual information Blizzard conveyed at the time.


We dont need 2 weeks inbetween each wing and then an arbitrary 4th wing being forced in to delay it another two weeks.

Sark could have been today.


Council has an open thread but probably Devs will ignore it too…It should be 1 wing per week and 3 bosses per wing if the Raid has 9 bosses, otherwise 3-3-2…always at least 3 bosses.


No, Blizz is just afraid casuals will unsub between content patches.


Just killed hc sark and got aotc now with a pug… what natural progression? :joy:


Every other week…still limited by sparks

Yeah but you should have 3 sparks saved up so by the time you run out it’ll be like number what, item number 6?

Have you not seen LFR players?? If you take out the normal players who are in there for the tier they missed out on in normal raids, it would take all of 2 months for LFR players to clear LFR


do you actually think lfr could manage sarkareth, and not run normal?

I agree Sark should be today, but I disagree that it should be lumped in with the others. LFR loves to get stuck on the last boss of the tier for 10 det stacks so virtually every group you join is on it. You know how many people left last tier because they zone into Raz when they want rings, grieftorch, or evoker staves? A lot.

This problem would end up way worse with Sark being in the wing with TWO tier bosses (and Nelth trinkets) while not dropping any himself. Want tier helm or the Magmorax ranged trinket? Good luck have fun sitting through 10 queues trying to not get a group on Nelth or Sark.


He does drop omni-tier tokens, see Void-Touched Curio, but they are randomly awarded as personal loot instead of being rolled on. Still, it’s an incentive for people to stay, and since they don’t show up in his encounter journal loot it is helpful to spread the word.