Delete Please

The 3/3/2/1 will be nice for farming the last boss every week without having to go through anything/anyone else, but yeah, it’s rather annoying that LFR still doesn’t have access to it.


Yea its disgusting by blizzard they just had to go out of their way to seperate him so they could drag it out to the maximum when they could just as easily put him in the last wing making it 3 bosses like the rest of the wings. The only positive from this is that if he turns out to be another LFR nightmare 10 stacks boss ala nzoth atleast then we dont get to join the third wing over and over with only him left standing on 10 stacks


lfr should all be released with n/h/m
no reason not to


No…that’s not next. You can do normal very easily. It’s a complete joke.

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Most players only do lfr.

This is a means to keep them subbed.

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alot of the try hard semi cleared heroic raiders - who have come and gone over the years - taking dumps on lfr players have long since suggested that lfr shouldnt even have loot because its “story mode”. Where are they now that “story”, is kept away from the “story mode” players?

So lfr shouldnt have story or gear? is that the going thing now? might as well start purging all characters that havent been in a 20 man group in the last 7 days


you got Raz LFR 2-weeks late too, so it’s the same wing-to-wing time as raiders get raid-to-raid.

you want faster? join a real raid.

I still don’t understand how people play this game for LFR in the first place. Raiding is boring as is, why do the worst version of it?

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What does any of this have to do with unlocking the raid wings for casual players?
It only proves that it’s a waste of time for the people who are waiting for it to release.
Let’s be honest, it’s a way to force people into the normal/heroic group finder queue, which isn’t entirely a bad thing. Some people prefer to quietly go through a dungeon though, without much interaction beyond the tank/healer maybe giving a rundown of the fight for newbies, which is pretty much how group finder groups are anyways. Quiet, boring, and 20 people quit at the first wipe. Rinse and repeat


Explained above, in post #2.

Which didn’t even exist when they started doing this in Throne of Thunder?

(Also, group finder is not a queue system.)

Whyre you trying to roll it back to throne of thunder?
Not all players played that iteration, hell I didn’t play it.
We’re talking about why this exists in current day wow, when it has no real reason to.
Also it is a queue system, you wait to collect players who QUEUE for your group.


Because that’s when Blizzard started delaying the wing releases of LFR.

Again… read post #2.

Good grief.

Tossing you on ignore, since I could find a trained ferret who knows what the difference is between a queued and non-queued system - something you don’t understand.

Which again, has no relevance on this topic.
There is again, no reason for it to exist now.
The only correlation would be bleeding sub numbers, which they’ve always been doing.
Stay mad and wrong brother, keep me on ignore because you know you aren’t right lol.


I don’t really disagree with what you said, but I also want to point out they probably do have motivation to drag out the content to encourage longer sub time.

Not that I really care or think that’s inherently wrong, but I do think they have an ulterior motive beyond needing to emulate progression.

I wish they could find a way to motivate people to get into normal more though. So many people these days refuse to touch any form of organized content.

If people would be okay with Determination being removed, I’m sure the staggered wings could be removed immediately.

Are people okay with that? It was the laziness and indifference and “let other people put in the effort” greed of way too many LFR players that resulted in Determination being added in the first place, after all.

Why? Because many elitist WOW players despise LFR raiders and “low skill” players. They don’t want them to have anything and they want them to suffer/quit. The lower they can push these people down, the higher they can feel they are.

I have no idea why, other than mental illness. It is strange that they actually have Blizzard’s ear when it comes to topics like this.


How do you stand up with that giant chip on your shoulder?

The same could be said about the person who unironically wrote that first paragraph up there.

you’re blaming other players - customers just like you - for a business decision Blizzard made. that’s ridiculous.

I’m an AOTC raider, don’t have time for mythic…But I’m not going to sit here and pretend I’m not surrounded by others who have this same attitude about LFR and low skill players.

It’s toxic and doesn’t help the community grow at all.

But you go ahead and lash out when you’re being called out. I’m sure that’ll change somebody’s mind.


right kind of like how the disdain and insults dripping from your post is toxic and doesn’t help a community grow. telling other players they have mental illnesses…

hypocrite much?

Honestly I think LFR is just a hot mess/failed difficulty mode and I don’t know how to really fix it beyond just saying who cares and let them have it all at once and sense of progression for them be damned because they don’t care about it. The only losers in that situation is Blizzard if players get bored of the patch too quickly and unsub.

Originally it was created because Cata raiding difficulty shot up through the roof and pulled the rug out under from players who were more casual. 10 man guilds that were “bad” but still cleared the raid on normal in WOTLK suddenly couldn’t get past the first few bosses; thus LFR. Except what happened was LFR was basically faceroll (sans a few bosses that usually got tuned down) and the uptick from LFR to normal was still massive. Players who wanted a casual form of raiding were still unsatisfied and thus flex was born which ended up aiding in reshaping organized raid design to what we have now.

Flex should have came before LFR and then LFR may not have ever been deemed necessary after that. Instead people have gotten a taste of it and now it’s this weird delayed queueable faceroll content that is supposed to emulate progression despite the other versions of raiding changing since that MoP design. Normal used to be difficult enough to where a more average heroic raiding guild could still spend a few weeks clearing it before working on easier heroic bosses, but it’s basically a free version of raiding these days.

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