Delete Me - Shadowlands is the Devil's Expansion

so you and others like you are the saviors of world of warcraft?

perhaps you are being a tad overdramatic ?

Yeah dude. Everyone should’ve silently left when they announced they weren’t going to add flying back in WoD. That would’ve turned out great for the game overall. We should never give feedback to the Devs

When current Blizzard had to literally retcon nearly all of the major prior story plot points to force Zovaal as the cause, while also only ruining said older lore in the process of shoving in a big bad?

Who doesn’t even prove worth said retcons in the end?

That’s bad game design.

I didn’t buy WoD until flying was added

Uh oh Bodo. That sounds like an emotional decision you made there.

It’s trash.

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I enjoy flying, without it , not so much.

so at some level you are right.

Never said that. I said that criticizing the game and giving feedback is vital to any form of entertainment. If every player was incapable of doing that, as you are, then the direction of the game, which has, just in the past couple of years, driven away millions of subscribers, would eventually lead to its downfall.

There’s a reason Blizzard “listens to the players” in the last patches of the past couple expansions. Because numerous features they add are heavily criticized and disliked that make players quit. And the sub count has only gone downwards.

If every player was like you, quality games would cease to exist.

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Well why are you emotionally invested in flying?

I certainly have made my share of criticisms in the past.

but I try to distinguish between reasonable expectations for a video game and annoyances.

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Flying is the closest player agency option to Stealth for Rogues and Prowl for Cat Druids.

Simply put, Stealth / Prowl gives players the ability to at least partially control fights.

Flying is close in scope; more vertical options, no difference horizontally.

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I’m aware why. I’m redirecting the question to Bodo who earlier asked

When I was giving criticism about WoW.

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I do not think you understand what that word means.

the concept of not purchasing a game while perhaps involving a bit of emotion can also be a reasonable decision to invest in other leisure activities.

not everyone responds with anger when they don’t get their way

Oh I know what it means just fine. But you’re admitting that your choice to not purchase the game partially comes from a place of emotion because Blizzard made a decision you did not agree with. Amazing! That’s the same place where my feedback and criticism of the game comes from along with the Devs.

The way you’re coming across is like you’re on a high horse intellectually that you’re able to disconnect logic with emotion. When in fact you’re in the exact same mindset as many other players without even realizing it. All I said was as a Lead Game Dev lying to your players is bad and your response was “BUT EVIL DOERS”. It’s an excuse. They are not immune to criticism.

No, but it’s the only thing Blizzard responds to when giving criticism of their game. Again, WoD flying and the Ripcord are great examples of this.

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I’m glad you have had the opportunity to clarify your feelings about this issue.

/e slashes wrists with a dull spoon

better known as a circle je

In ZM? There are two or three
 Not even worth my time to logon

one time treasures
 I’ve got all of them except the ones that require keys or a special quest to be up.

anyone can comment. Thanks
 Have a splendiforous day.

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You can’t open a discussion asking opinion and then demand people who don’t see it as you can’t participate :laughing:

This generation in a nutshell
 Only speak if you agre echo chambers and safe space.
Should be discuss what you liked about the expansion or things you wish were improved on so you could love them would have been a better ask.
That way even those who hated the expansion could at least chime in on what was almost a win to pull them into loving something.

As for me the raids were fun. They could of had this boss gauntlet thing in torghast been it from the start. It should be throwing tons of powers at you and just be crazy fun.

Dont forget the “do you not have phones” line lol


There’s that for the Diablo team, they straight up said part of the reason they removed the PvP vendors was because casuals were having a hard time finding them. They used vague wording making everyone including participants believe that people were crowdfunding to raise the prize pool for the AWC. Put a bullet into HotS Esports and didn’t tell the employees or teams participating. The list goes on and on.

You’re welcome :wink:


I like the Venthyr Tea Parties
Castle Nathria raid
Tazavesh as a mythic dungeon, not as a M+.
Great Vault since I get to choose my loot.
Crafting my own tier pieces when that comes out
And craftable mount and pets system