Delete Me - Shadowlands is the Devil's Expansion

It’s not bad. I’m playing more than I have in a decade, but I’m disappointed when I see that it could have been truly great if more effort had been put into it. So many interesting stories begun, and left to wither on the vine. :disappointed_relieved:

  1. The main questline has been clearly identified from side quests. This greatly helps in prioritizing what quests need to chosen first.
  2. I’m a big fan of the Solo Shuffle!
  3. Them Transmogs from all the Covenants are just so exquisite. (Not including ZM)
  4. I really like some of the mounts (Not including ZM).
  5. Steps were finally taken to make things Alt friendly. Still a long ways to go though.
  6. Torghast is fun. But, It doesn’t have near the level of replay-ability the devs think it does.
  7. I do like some of the characters from the SL storyline. But, they are not main characters (Lady Moonberry, Sire Denarthrius). Moonberry was very funny. As for Denathrius, this character seemed to be wildly popular at the start. I was surprised he didn’t play more of a role.
  8. I like the conduit system and how it allows all players the ability to have some magic abilities that are not directly tied to gear.
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