Delete Me - Shadowlands is the Devil's Expansion

Erm… you liked it :face_with_monocle:

I like it.

I don’t know what people expect from a video game…

WoW dabbled in game psychology a little too much with a bit of casino logic in the past, but seriously, it’s an entertaining game.

what mor do you want ?

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Shadowlands is my favorite expansion after TBC.

Ignoring the train wreck of a story, the gameplay is really solid in my opinion.

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This is a public forum for discussing opinions, criticisms, feedback, that doesn’t include blocking others from being allowed to share their thoughts and opinions on what you have to say. That’s not how it works.

If you liked it that’s fine, but I think there’s a fair bit of criticism by the playerbase that’s actually justified. There’s a laundry list of things so I’ll spare going into them unless prompted to, but I think the worse thing I saw this expansion outside of the final cinematic was straight up watching the Lead Dev lie to the entire playerbase. Which at that point it doesn’t matter if you agree or disagreed with their stance. Lying to your players about content is never okay.

lmao the undefeated echo chamber

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entertainment and evil often go hand in hand, expecting otherwise is a bit naïve.

sometimes the best things in life are flawed.

I’ve never once suspected someone working for blizzard to make a casual post on GD from their personal account

… until now.

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PFFFFT. Okay? That doesn’t address the issue it’s just creating an excuse for it. It’s part of the reason WoW has seriously fallen off in terms of quality.

why do you expect your outrage to have any consequence ?

they make the game for their purposes and you can enjoy it or not.

why are you so emotionally invested in a leisure time activity ?

MoP Timewalking was pretty fun.


The story is the worse thing about Shadowlands. Some of the game play is also pretty bad. Soul binds got better once we were able to freely switch covenants and they removed the limits to how many times you can change out your soulbinds. Add in all the currency from different patches that we have to grind as well as new gear because we can’t upgrade M+ gear from the previous season to an equivalent ilvl in the new season. So we have to refarm.

I don’t hate shadowlands but it’s not a good expansion.

Why is anyone emotionally invested in their leisurely time activity? You like reading books? Whoops! Seems like you don’t like this one. But it’s okay entertainment and evil go hand in hand. Watching a TV show and it randomly Game of Thrones itself? P’shaw. Sorry dude. Entertainment and evil go hand in hand.

It’s a silly question because people who partake in their “leisure time activity” do so because they enjoy it and are in some way emotionally invested. Do you play games with a blank expression and monotone voice when interacting with others? Cause that’d make for 1 funny YT video.

The counterargument here is only giving Blizzard an excuse for providing to what I and others see as a poorly made product.

do you get angry when you play solitaire ?

Such a dumb comparison. Like, I cannot express enough how stupid your argument is. Comparing Solitaire with WoW… Takes a special kind of an idiot to come up with that.

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I don’t play Solitaire.

when I find something is not enjoyable, I stop doing it.

kinda a like the joke about the guy hitting himself on the head with a hammer…

Blizzard cleaned house, made a commitment to listen to its customers and is changing hands as we speak.

perhaps you should look within.

I realized that ZM was fun and getting flying opened up another level of fun with alts.

did I expect a life fulfilling moment ?

not really, but I felt I got my money’s worth.

PFFFT. Yeah. Okay.

Compared to SWTOR 7.0, yes it is.

They said they would. As they did many times before. Forgive me for not believing Blizzard’s PR statements and commitments. We will wait and see if they truly mean it.

You clearly consume entertainment by turning off your brain completely and no matter the quality, no matter the content, you will either play the game without complaining or quit it.

Except it’s not so black and white for everyone else, there is something between those two options. Criticism and feedback. Countless disastrous features of WoW have been changed, removed or replaced, because the community spoke out about them. If they didn’t, this game would’ve died long ago. So be happy there are people who think for themselves and don’t let Blizzard do all their thinking for them.

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