Delete Me - Shadowlands is the Devil's Expansion

Delete me, please.


The only thing I’ve liked about SL is that the devs seem to genuinely be listening now.

Not as much as I’d like, but certainly more so than previously.

The latest example is memories from CN being added to ZM. I’m glad they finally got the feedback. Not sure why it took this long, but progress is progress.

If they can just tighten up that loop between feedback to change implementation I think we will be in business.

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The art is good as usual. There are some parts of it that are ok…but as an expansion as a whole, no, its not that good. Id say second to the bottom of the list.

i dont thnk you get to make that call


no one asked… and it is a Horrible expansion


I’ve rather enjoyed the outdoor zones in sl but, i’ve always enjoyed running around the world except in versions of the game like vanilla or bc where there wasn’t really so much to explore as there was sometimes you’d come across some halfway finished doodads, or maybe a rare that spawns every 50 days when the aztec rain god smiles upon tenochitlan. The dungeons I’ve also enjoyed and can’t think of any that really standout as: man i got THIS key? ugh… so thats another plus for me as I member the days where getting things like occulus, or vh being a total pain in the butt.

It had potential, but Blizz squandered it by ignoring feedback for so long.


That’s not how things work .


I feel like it is fine to comment, but i hate complete negative comments. I would say if you are going to say some objective things about what you liked but also disliked about the game, that is fine to comment.

But if you are just going to straight up troll or say everything about shadowlands is so bad, and nothing about shadowlands was good, you can kindly delete your comment and cancel your sub.

As for me, i still enjoy shadowlands. Class design was pretty well done. The zones were fun. The story has been meh since arthas died in my op, and i have just not been feeling it mr krabs. I think a huge let down for me as well was the lack of classic wow 1-60 quests, dungeons, and zones for chromie time.

In my op, there were alot of things that blizzard could still do in the future to put wow back on the map in the retail state. I also feel like retail is way to fast. I also liked the 5 man dungeons in shadowlands. They were pretty fun.


The covenant system was alright I’ll give them that.

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I would love to have your mindset :joy:

Slappy Hands was the best thing in SL hands down no contest


“Hello I am posting on a public forum, btw do not respond to me if you disagree”


OK who let Ion have his alt posting account back again.


I will agree here as well. I think it was mainly a hyper min maxxing problem. Like i remember alot of folks in groups getting excluded just because they picked the wrong covenant and class spec combo, which was not how it was intended by the developers i am sure.

I remember a lot of folks discussing what covenant they were going to go as.

zero likes for OP that’s impressive


If SL were a good expansion, there would have been ZERO need for you to make this counter post.


No one has to. He’s entitled to an opinion. Like it or lump it.

you know its a trolling post when he says that


It was ok if you never cared about the 20 years of WoW lore or about switching specs efficiently.

The soul binds stuff had some good ability enhancers. The zones were interesting enough. There was a ton of stuff available if you wanted to farm anima all day.

A lot of cool ideas that weren’t executed as well as they could have been.


The only good part of shadowlands was Daddy Denathrius. A villain who we saw intent and motivation for while leveling up.