Delete Me - Shadowlands is the Devil's Expansion

SL is better then BFA. Purely because of the progress the community has made in the feed back loop with developers. I personally like SL a lot. I could easily play this expansion for another year. My gripes have slowly been fixed by each patch. For that I say thank you. The recent vault update has made me unexpectedly happy. This Xpac has a lot to offer. The state of the game now, is how it should of been from the beginning of SL. The game is much better. I understand why they have to time gate. First it was sour but now it’s sweet!

Sorry, it is a bad expansion.


Only explanation.

I agree. I’ve never had more fun playing an expansion than I do right now. There are some issues but the new raid is incredible, PvP is in a not terrible state, and there is a ton of content for collectors / achievers.


Shadowlands is my favorite expansion (maybe a tie between Shadowlands and Wrath).

So much pretty scenery, themes, world quests, pet battles, world bosses, treasures, toys, mounts, transmogs, etc…

Lots of casual content for me to have fun with. :purple_heart:

Having played all the expansions this has been the worse expansion. My reasons are:

  1. Rigid gearing standards in terms you must do M+, Rated pvp ( nearly impossible to make friends doing this nowadays),

  2. Low drop rates funneled into a weekly vault—terrible, Dungeon bosses should drop what they drop not make us wait a week to pick 1 thing how RIDICULOUS.

  3. covenants, conduits, torghast, class design–These so called stars of the expansion all were misused. Since they now removed the locks are them it’s proven correct.

  4. Lastly this expansion has exasperated the boosting problems by making content such a chore and unfun that people would rather pay all day to afk it then actually learn and participate. This point shows how poorly designed this expansion is.

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I think shadowlands had a lot of good elements but ultimately the anima grind and the timegating for almost every activity made a potentially fresh expansion into something that stagnated quickly.

It’s fine honestly. The focus has been on the vault, but I haven’t done a vault in months.

There’s a lot for me to do, but I don’t have time for most of it. I just want to go back to Azeroth. I’m worn out on cosmic forces, gods, robot gods, disconnected zones and such.

:white_large_square: :white_square_button: :white_large_square: :white_square_button: :white_large_square: :white_square_button: :white_large_square: :white_square_button:

Covenant system after renown was made easier to get and Torghast were cool additions.

I actually love covenants. :blue_heart: :purple_heart: All the spectral shape-shift forms, covenant-specific transmog, mounts, pets, toys, storylines, pretty zones… :blossom: :herb:

Without covenants and all the nice perks and rewards they offer, we’d be more limited in our options. :hushed:

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Alpha: how are you guys going to balance this mess, covenant power is bad
Beta: how are you guys going to balance this mess, covenant power is bad
Launch: this is an unbalanced mess. Most of us hate Torghast, and the maw Sucks.
Half-a-year after launch: this is an unbalanced mess. Most of us hate Torghast, and the maw Sucks.
1 Year after launch: BLIZZARD: “WHERE DID EVERYBODY GO?”


that explains so so much

More likely he has been busy because they have been working on getting stuff done for 10.0 and the announcement of it next month .

Oh oh my favorite thing about Shadowlands is the idea it’s finally ending!


I have loved Shadowlands and the various stories of the covenants. The stories were akin to the Legion class halls where you felt drawn into the storylines. I have especially enjoyed Zerith Morris even without flying as the zone is just so beautiful. Now that I can fly there, it’s even more amazing. I see that the dev team is quasi listening to the players but some of the suggestions made during the alpha and beta phases really should have been taken to heart.

I love the idea of being able to get tier pieces outside of raid. Some of us are just VERY unlucky (my pally being one of them LOL) and despite how much we raid or run M+ the gear just doesn’t seem to drop for the right spec (I’ve had to learn how to tank now Blizzard, thanks :p). The various Torghast things have been fun but farming them has not been - it was a nice distraction for friends to challenge themselves (at least for us).

I love the idea of creating mounts and pets from various items you loot. However with that said, that strange goop doesn’t exist :stuck_out_tongue:

the likes on OP post = Blizzard devs

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Clipping paper with nail clippers was more fun than Shadowlands.

Well also most people that like this expansion are waist deep in boosting culture. Try playing as a fresh start like this character I’m on is. I came back for 9.2 I have 20 days left I will see how far i get thankfully my main helped me boost reknown etc or else I’d be on some other game right now.

The real defining, degenerative factor that truly dropped WoW below other franchises doing their best work is buying multiple leggos with hard earned gold we made in earlier xpacs, or with a wow token. The commonplace and widely accepted pay2win aspect of SL is so very prominent, and really takes the spirit out of an MMO. For other genres MTX gold buying works, but it is pretty insulting to have our best ilvls tied to it, and was obviously damaging to the state of the game, subs, and MAUs.

EDIT: That, and all the flagrant methods employed to increase subs by adding unnecessary, mundane tasks and requirements in the game like half your time in ZM is spent mounted up.

I feel like i summed it up as, wow tokens just allow you to pay to skip, or pay for convenience, because you still need alot of the players who promote the boosting services, they still need to grind up the dirty work and the annoying things first and gear up before they can help the people boosting out. Then once that happens, people purchase wow tokens for gold to pay the boosting communities the gold they need to boost them through the content they hate, cannot stand, or find annoying or inconvenient. It still ruins the spirit of competition in some way though in my op.

Then you have the paid level boosts straight from blizzard. There is no min maxxing in game on this one. The fastest way possible to level up now for the first 50 levels is to pay 60 bucks to blizzard for it. Plain and simple. So the only levels that are even remotely competitive are the last 10 levels for leveling up. I miss the days when everything in the game, was earned through in game transactions. Oh i want a run through shadowfang keep man. I will give you like 5 gold per run. That makes sense. Often times i did it for free, but there were people who made money in game off doing that. I think when you apply real life money, something not everyone can pay, and wow gold is way easier to get than it is to get real world money.

I also would like to add how high the turn over rate wow has now as well. It seems wow can only sustain like a boat load of subs for like 3 or 4 months max, then it is wishy washy for the rest of the expansions duration. I understand min maxxing and all that, as there is always going to be a best. But at least it was all done within the game itself using in game transactions. Now as soon as real money was involved, especially when most of the stuff costing real money is instant, real money is the best way to do a ton of stuff in wow now. I am not a fan of it either kalaen, but i guess it does not affect me to much, because i am not a competitive player. I still level however i want to within the game. But it does affect the competitive spirit the game used to have in my op.