Delete because kids

Flagged for spam. Keep your delusional politics to yourself. The only important holiday in june is fathers day and nothing else.


Enjoy. You donā€™t know me or my intentions. Iā€™m not a troll at all.

You just posted in another LGBTQ thread strutting on about how it is ignored content. Youā€™re literally a joke.

Ignored forever. :put_litter_in_its_place::put_litter_in_its_place:


You and I usually get along pretty well. But this comes across pretty offensive.

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Why are you already in other LGBTQ threads bullying other posters.

You sound like a really bad person. This thread was meant to troll the community. You were called out on it and it made you look stupid.

Good job. I hope this thread gets locked and not deleted so people can still see you are not a genuine supporter of the LGBTQ community.

Who am I bullying? I support the community.

Uh huh. Next time double check before post the thread to make sure you are on the right character.

Your 100% malicious and itā€™s obvious.

Goodbye hater.

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People keep using that word incorrectly.

Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm.

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As an observer of a few threads tonight, I think someone is having a wild night on the forums and has lost some of their faculties.

But I think itā€™s hilarious when people on alt characters accuse others of posting on the wrong alt. :rofl:

Someone delete this thread, I meant it in no harm.

Yall really need to drink water, have a nice meal and take a walkā€¦

Itā€™s been flagged already, but usually if you remove the content of the OP and change the title to ā€œPlz deleteā€ a mod will typically lock it when they see it.

So him posting in most other LGBTQ threads with conceited remarks isnā€™t a repeated social behavior?

For someone that likes to call other threads bait, I find it hilarious they attempted to do the same thing here and was instantly called out.

Check the persons post history. Thatā€™s all.

This thread was most definitely 100% certain not meant to be posted on his Water character.

Not hard to figure that out.

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I usually argue with this old man but this I agree ā€¦and itā€™s my fault. I shouldnā€™t have made this thread. My apologies to all. Iā€™m not an alt, Iā€™m not a troll.

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Then change the OP to ā€œDelete thisā€ as well as the title and then forget it.

Otherwise stop posting here.

Iā€™m Spartacus!

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Says the troll.

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Cool, thanks for telling me where I can and cannot post!

Noā€¦ only specific ones posted by the T alts, because theyā€™re not genuine and theyā€™re only meant to troll.

And I understand that. Iā€™m not defending that.

But attempting to call bullying when there is none is the issue I have.

So now youā€™re back to accusing people of alts again. Water absolutely isnā€™t the Ts.

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So you are a troll, got it. Thanks for proving that.