Delete because kids

Check thyself. Some people are actually sincere. Have fun though.

You are not sincere with any of this. Just stirring the pot. You knew what you were doing with this thread.

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Your negativity is palpable. I asked for the thread to be deleted and posted in the LGBQ thread. Iā€™m sorry your little feefees are hurt. You donā€™t know me.


You were just in Tulunn thread bashing him for LGBTQ posts. Get out of here with this fake thread.

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Oh hello Tulln and various alts! o/


Lols got called out for being being a troll. Calls me an alt.

What makes you so special to bash others for making LGBTQ threads, then turning around and doing it yourself?

Thatā€™s why youā€™re so quick to apologize. You probably realized you accidentally posted this on your main.


The bait comesā€¦thank you so much :slight_smile:

Iā€™ll go to the actual LBTQ thread, but thanks for the memories ā€¦whoever you are

Lmao. Got em.

I understand the call out, but the hostility and insults really werenā€™t necessary.


I donā€™t like people that bash others and then turn around and do the same thing.

This thread is pathetic. I have no issue pointing out extremely inauthetic people.


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen Water bash LGBTQ+. Just T threads. But I thought everyone did that, because T. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Do we know this for certain? Last time we thought someone was someone else, it ended up being a troll imitating the other person to cause damage.

Im not but people will say whatever they want. I have better things to do with my life than make threads here all day.

I think you are Thalia because you reply to each other often.

Kk muting this thread, this conversation is useless.


The only classic character I have is Thallia on Bloodsail Buccaneers in the same guild, because we were all going to try out the nostalgia. And I think sheā€™s only level 17 or something. I havenā€™t touched Classic since it first released. Our interest didnā€™t last long. lol

Missqqmoar is alt of op.

Iā€™m also the OP. Just meant to post this on this character lol.

It will get deleted tho, so this wonā€™t be seen or matters.

Seems you only want to throw out accusations in an attempt to troll.

I really hope Blizz adds our Btags to our information so we can end all of this stuff.

Itā€™s important to celebrate pride every day of June to bring awareness. Especially in these dire times!

No, I am Thallia actually.