Delete 100% of everyone's gold for TBC

explain to the class how?

have i condoned buying services or gold with real world monies?
or did i explain why and how these function?

you seem to be tushy troubled my friend, so explain to the class how and why this works.

It really is that easy. I leveled an alts fishing from 100-225 Saturday afternoon. Made over 200g from FAPs, greater Firepower’s, strangekelp, Rumsey Rums, and other fished-up mats.

While doing that I was occasionally switching to my main parked in Azshara fishing the water pools. 12 essence of water and enough ele water for 20 GFPPs.

Any easy 500g total while watching Netflix and fishing.

Its not hard to make gold, but you won’t make it sitting around in Org waiting for world buffs. Fortunately for people like me, that’s what most people seem to spend their time doing.


This thought occurs to me every time I make a batch of 30 elixirs of lion’s strength or iron belt buckles…I just convert flowers to pots and ore to metal things, and all the while astounded that more people aren’t doing the same.


No thank you. I farm my gold just fine without being a pocket-book hero, a gDKP person, or booster.

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deleting gold will only make the RMT more rampart, when all the gold is gone the people who’s been buying gold won’t farm gold themselves, they’re gonna wait till their gold selling operations are back and then buy it again.

Meanwhile the people that don’t RMT are gonna be left with barely any gold and will struggle to get AH items that will be posted for hundred+ gold (Spellcloth, Shadow cloth and Primal Mooncloth for example.)

That makes me chuckle every time. It is reminiscent of the demands of modern WoW players. So spoiled. So bratty. Auction House is not guaranteed to work buddy bud pal friend chum. AH is an … wait for it … option for players to use as a game hosted trading platform. AH does not come with a promise of affordable prices, whatever that means. If spiteful players want to price their spoils so that the average player cannot afford good, then that’s their privilege. I do the same with items that I flaunt. It is supported gameplay.

Heyupthere … you’re clowning.

and this has what to do with the price of tea in england?

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Only Brits care about the price of tea in England. The rest of the world laughs at them paying such high prices. As a dedicated Classic WoW player, I wonder why the price of tea in England has anything to do with this thread’s topic, or the betterment of the game for that matter. But I don’t pry, because it would be a waste of time to care.

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ah troll being a literal troll got it.
i’ll ignore you from now on.
continue to troll


That’s preposterous. I don’t have herbalism…only alchemy, but I can make all flasks.

They’re not gonna invalidate part of my profession like that. Utter nonsense.

rofl…no one posts things on the AH to “flaunt” them…the posters are trying to change an item they won’t use into something they can use (gold). Posting too high is not something anyone shoots for…it’s the poster overestimating the value of the item at that point in time.

edit: I should say, the one case that posters will shoot too high is when they’re trying to artificially raise the value of an item…seems neither common nor effective in my experience…


I told you what I do, but then you lumped me into a fantasy group that would never do that. Textbook strawman. Well done modern WoW player.

Fair enough.

Some people don’t have every profession, if you want something from… let’s say Alchemy and you want some potions then you either buy them from the AH or get a friend to make them for you either way though you’re buying things from the AH because you still need the materials needed for the potions.

Yeah, you can put items up at stupidly high prices go for it

Ok? If you or anyone else wants to place items on the AH on exuberant prices then more power to you, I see cases like those though to be one of not actually intending to sell but to show that “i have X item look at me!” and that’s it.

You didn’t really address my point, only saying that AH isn’t guaranteed to work even though it 100% will. People won’t be pricing the new cloth in the 500g range i see it being more so in the 100g range i could be wrong though.

Even if you have tailoring on X toons unless you got multiple accounts you won’t get them until roughly 1 month, so unless all of those people can wait people will be buying the cloth. Not to mention Primal Might.

Not if they have no gold, regardless of the auction house price.

uhh what? Confused to why you would think that. Elaborate a bit, I mean most gold is from vendoring stuff tbh. I mean bosses drop gold but my argument about most gold coming from bots actually supports them looting mobs more so than vendoring stuff so I’m not getting your stance on this.


you’re not getting what I’m saying. Gold comes INITIALLY from looting and vendoring stuff. Also selling leather for 4g a stack? the hell are people buying that rugged for atm, LW is such trash until TBC. My server you couldn’t sellin a stack of rugged for even the vendor price

Dead is fine, it won’t be dead. Besides blizzard did say they were fine if servers were empty.

That’s where gold comes from…

Mob gold.
Vendor items.

Farming mats, running DGKP, and selling boosts just moves that money around.

The problem is Bots are automated for gold grinds…1 person running 10+ computers doing nothing but killing mobs for drops and gold, and then shifting between those accounts to vendor, resupply, and rinse and repeat.

Not promptly banning bots, as opposed to batching that process, and reducing their return on investment in regards to hacked accounts is what is causing the problem.

Once you reduce botting, a server can find balance. Increase resource nodes doesn’t create gold…but lowers inflation on mats…which reduces the need to buy gold.

However removing the gold made in classic merely increases the need for gold on a server…which increases the demand for Bot services and encourages gold farming with reduced ROI.