Delete 100% of everyone's gold for TBC

no offense with what im about to say, this is to make a point:
and thats not even a top tier farm.

you can make easy gold if you put the work in, imagine if you did the top farms with the “superior” profs to maximize your gold making.

again sorry not trying to sound like im calling you out just using what you said as an example.

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no offense but technically that’s not home grown gold… I mean for YOU it is but you got it from GDKP runs. Lots of the gold you got thou is most def from bots that farmed it. You personally didn’t farm 122k.

It’s like say someone printed money and that counterfeit money makes it into the economy and somehow makes it into your bank account. (Thou US has very good identifying methods for counterfeit bills but that’s not the point). Say it made it in and it was counted as currency. While you yourself didn’t commit a crime printing the money, it did end up in your pocket. That’s the same thing with all this gold that people get from GDKP runs. Lots of it comes INITIALLY from bots.

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No offense taken brother. Its just and easy farm I can do while i’m chilling watching tv. I like it because i’m usually the only person there besides some horde farming bots i Aimed shot for honor lol.

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Going off of that logic the only real gold would be from people vendoring stuff.

I 100% agree with everything you said. How hard is it to make a fishing toon and make free action potions. They sell well now and are still used heavily in TBC. Stock up on them now on a fishing alt and you can buy flying and epic flying at 70. This game isn’t hard people just like to cry.

That’s your instinct (or the good spirit within) whispering to you what is best.

The pretention of posts like this, as if A-B management is desperately searching for the ideas of forum spammers, as if they’re too stupid to understand more than what each suggestion specifically states, makes posts like this one more laughable.

There are two types of modern WoW players: 1. Those who ignore gold buying, 2. Those who participate in gold buying and its accumulations.

Treating seriously anything a modern WoW player has to say about illegally acquired gold is a fruitless act.

Im just trying to figure out how someone can have such a stupid idea.

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Removing all gold does literally nothing, the botters will get gold again the same way as they are now.

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bruh you do understand how markets work right?
lower supply drives up the value of what small amount of supply is around.

meaning first people to achieve any amount of gold will drive real world costs and values up insuring that said sellers will make more real money in a short period of time often negating or off setting their costs.

if the bot have a lv60 avatar they can go out and run the script and make the money to sell, youve done nothing to them.

getting a handle on bots is more than just banning the account, you have to know how to attack the bot itself.

many times they are studying the most popular bots so they can learn how they function and then how to automate away those future instances of said bot.

bot operators then go back and study ways to manipulate the client and servers so they can go back to botting.

wash rinse repeat. this is why it is not so simple to do away with bots.

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I’m wringing my hands on this one, because you are so far off from the truth. I really want to help you, but I really don’t. I have had discourse with enough walls.

Maybe I will give you a hint to aid your life’s journey. The thing you are missing in your synopsis of markets and bots is the gatekeeper. Maybe if you replay the The Matrix movie trilogy an epiphany will set you straight. Good luck!

alright mate explain it to me i wish to be woke to the world that you seem to understand.
back up how taking away the product but not the means to earn the product will in any meaningful way affect these distributors?

explain how banning accounts without addressing the programs does anything meaningful to these operators?

please teach me oh wise one

I’ve worked legit for the gold I have, with the (reasonable) expectation that transitioning to TBC would work just as before.

Deleting my gold is akin to wiping my account…I’ve spent far more time accumulating my gold than I have leveling my character. Oh my god would it infuriate me.


one might even say it opens the potential for you to leave them as a customer?

I wouldn’t call it “what is best”. I, already, explained why I don’t mind Fresh BC Servers. Doesn’t have anything to do with resetting everybody’s Gold, though that will be the reality. My concern isn’t about everyone’s Gold, like some (not all) other people.

If they don’t allow me to carry it into TBC, I would probably drop my sub once I was certain I was done with classic…because this would set precedent for Wotlk Classic…not gonna start from zero each expansion.

And a handful of fresh TBC servers for those who want them would be great. No reason to screw over everyone else though.

You were never promised TBC.

/10 characters

It serves your narrative about protecting the gold buying racket to not understand the significance of A-B never promising TBC. I get that.

A handful of a specific Server Type, for those interested would be great, but I don’t think Blizz would go for that.

I don’t view it that way because (to me) they’re two different Games. Again, I don’t mind either/or.

Just because I don’t mind either/or doesn’t mean I’m pushing one way or the other. I just think some (not all) reasonings are silly.

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