Delete 100% of everyone's gold for TBC

It’s the only way to remove the illicit Chinese gold botting gold in the game. Since Blizzard has hilariously failed at banning wow classic gold botters / players who hack the game.

Delete all the gold off everyone’s characters for TBC release!

100% reset on all gold!

Who is with me!

(only people making gold from real money transactions: read: gold selling will disagree with me)

Change my mind!


How much gold do you have?


Or keep only BoP items :stuck_out_tongue:



I have 385 gold on Faerlina and maybe 200 gold on a different NA server?

ITT: someone with no gold mad they cant buy the BoE they want from the AH.

Seriously, if this is the issue why play current? people are farming gold for TBC. Just as in original vanilla when they knew a new expansion is coming. Why be mad? Just farm.


That explains a lot.

Pretty much no one that has gold - illicitly gained or not - wants their gold taken away. Those who don’t have gold, and don’t want to make the effort to make it right now, want it reset so they start at the same level as everyone else. It’s a particularly selfish demand disguised an appeal for the betterment of the, “game” - when in reality it wouldn’t actually do anything.

Those who are good at making gold, and the bots that farm gold, will be in an even more advantageous position given there would be no one else with gold. Those who aren’t so good at making gold (like me), or those who are in your position with no gold, will be in an even worse situation.

I’m sorry, but a gold cut would be a horrible idea.


If we delete everybody’s gold, that will totally remove the “illicit Chinese gold botting gold” problem!

I’m very smart, you see.

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" If we delete everybody’s gold, that will totally remove the “illicit Chinese gold botting gold” problem!

I’m very smart, you see."

Well it will delete the China gold sellers / botters ability to do anything

They will be hard-stuck trying to pull anything off fast because they now have literally 0 gold for TBC launch, will make things literally more fair for literally everyone else in the game.

I see no problems here.

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If you see no problems it’s cause you’re short sighted or stupid. They won’t reset everyone’s gold, they may cap the amount you can bring, but that’ll be about it.


Blizzard should randomly delete everybody’s gold in Classic, too – to fight the “illicit Chinese gold botting gold” problem in the here-n-now.

Because of course that will work.


No, that’s not how it works at all. Gold prices will sky rocket - the economy will be forced to hard reset which would kill a lot of peoples’ legitimate ways to make gold - flying mounts would be absurdly hard to get early, which means that the TK instances will be un-runnable for most, and it’ll be extremely difficult for anyone to trade things for gold until the raw gold generated is back to normal levels.

Bots, however, will have no issue generating said gold. They’ll make a killing selling to people desperate enough.

What is fair is going into TBC without touching gold, as the people who have it now could very well have earned it legitimately. You also have at least 4~ months to farm gold, so get started.


Don’t care to or need to. They’re not going to remove legitimate hard earned gold from real players because of bots. It’s just not gonna happen. Your opinion matters approximately 0 units.


I am not actually sure how it will affect the TBC economy. Best way would be to just give people the option to copy their characters with no items/gold to fresh servers, while letting the people who want to keep everything copy to not-so-fresh servers. The only issue would be that it splits the player base even more.


Oh so you’re broke so everyone else has to be. Got it.


Nah. I’ll watch you cry on the forums when blizz announces no gold reset instead, because they know perfectly well that taking away people’s stuff is a recipe for disaster.


Pfft. Nice try. Sorry but I just had to comment on this part of your post first because this kind of thing is a sore spot with me. Think for a moment about what you said there. This is typical thinking these days of the “modern” pc sjw generation. It’s just a variation on that but the mindset is the same. Otherwise known as the Brothers’ Keepers’ Association and/or the BusyBodies Brotherhood. Accuse someone of (insert pc sjw hive-mind slur here) and then inform them that if they deny it or disagree, it means they’re guilty. Oh and if they don’t deny it, that also means they’re guilty. Add to that the rallying call to the hive mind of “who’s with me” and nothing short of full-throated agreement will satisfy the accuser who is trying to shame someone into agreeing with whatever it is they’re on about. Otherwise known as Virtue Signalling.

As for deleting everyone’s gold, that might work for a week or two, at which point the botters and the gold sellers & buyers would be back in full swing, while the average player would be at a severe disadvantage. That’s what’s called throwing out the baby with the bath water.


I will laugh so hard if tbc it’s separated and fresh .
Grabbing cookies :cookie:


So would everyone else… At blizzard… for making the dumbest choice they could have.


The mindset of someone who can’t or doesn’t know how to make gold. Its very easy.

You obviously don’t know how supply and demand works or basic economics.

Dumb argument. Bots are not the only things able to exploit the gold market. Players, I would argue, know way more about different strategies on how to get fast gold than bots do.

Another dumb argument. Your inability to make gold has nothing to do with a gold reset. If anything, a gold reset allows you to ride the market up.

Retail avatar post, immediate disregard.