Delete 100% of everyone's gold for TBC

holy s#@$ did i just find someone that understands?!

I do get what you’re saying and did the whole time. Your premise was that that other dudes gold wasn’t legit because someone else might have bought gold. My point was the only really legit gold would be items you vendored personally. as far as the leather I assume people are lvling LW for BC drums.

False dichotomy.

We’re not promised anything so I’m not sure what you think any of this implies?

That’s about all he has.

I’ll bet you 1k gold most of the servers die if they force all the TBC off to new servers and leave current husk servers as Vanilla only.

That’s not really the point. Someone who wants to stay in Vanilla perpetually probably would like more than the dozen or so folks dedicated to the setup that remain on their server.

Yeh I get what you’re saying and agree. My whole point was he was saying the guys gdkp gold was probably bought before he got his share from his raids. I should have clarified my point better. Once any gold that’s bought is traded through the capitalist economy in wow the system is corrupted. The only legit gold at that point would be from Items you’ve vendored yourself. A person would literally have to not participate in the economy of the game outside NPC selling. No AH or anything or they would be part of the corrupt system. I agree with everything you’ve said. selling all those rugged hides for 12g+ were probably bought by people rushing to make their T3. Is that me taking advantage of a corrupt system by farming tons of them because they are selling so well possibly being bought by people who bought gold? Nah it’s just me playing the game.

Actually I got it via herbalism, but I fully accept that the insane inflation created by RMT activities made this too easily possible.

I have never participated in or run a G-DKP run of any sort.

Enter the Federal Reserve Bank a private bank founded in 1913 in a very secluded Christmas time congress where only a very small number of participants showed up to vote on it, and thanks to President Wilson who signed off on it we now have an insane inflation problem, and crazy wild money printing controlled by bankers. And we all know not to trust bankers because they are all crooks even if they don’t think so.

The trouble the federal reserve is that they are not in it for the benefit of the nation, they have no real accountability to the State, and worse they are in charge of inflation directly. Some say inflation is a good thing, and I know many who are in favor of it because what you are allowed to do with inflation is take out loans or all sorts and because of inflation effectively pay less back then what you borrowed. In other words its theft. Worse for the the little guy, like your mom and pop stores, or retired folks who have fixed income they are effectively put out in the cold because their fixed income becomes less and less effective, and the land taxes keep going up to keep pace with inflation, because you know 100% the county and state will take no pay cuts, infact they will always levy for more income to pay more things, and continue to “Expand” so that the elected positions can cay “See we did this for you!”, when really they did it for them selves and a massive portion of that money goes to waste.

President Wilson later came to regret signing the bill: “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

Back on topic since somehow I got derailed…

Reasons being that even though I did not cheat in an way to achieve my marks, I cannot in good faith say that the economy is not inflated with illegitimate gold. Hence why I am fully in favor of stripping most of the gold from the economy to eliminate the inflation.

I understand what your trying to do, and its laudable, but it’s also inherently self defeating for a few reasons.

  1. Your punishing players who have never bought gold by taking what they have earned away from them.
  2. Your punishing players who have scrimped and save by providing nearly no notice…when they could have been gearing another alt or using more consumes.
  3. By reducing gold in a market…where major cash sinks will exist…hello epic flying…you are rabidly increasing demand for gold.
  4. By increasing demand for raw gold, you are increasing the benefits to botting.
  5. As a result you will escalate RMT with a derth of gold…which create more bot teams…and within a few months it will be more out of control than it is now.

Increase resource nodes to reduce demand for gold and reduce inflation.

Be more proactive about banning bots, and not wait to batch those bans, to further reduce the reward for acquiring hacked accounts.

Additionally, if needed, create vanity cash sinks, that remove gold from the economy, that are player optional.

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I have not purchased gold, nor will I ever, but I also acknowledge that gold injected into the economy from nefarious action is contribution to my wealth.

Punishing my self also, so its not as if I would exempt my self.

You made other effectively related observations I will not quote, but instead simply address here.

True but Blizzard is also responsible for policing actions in WoW, and by eliminating massive quantities of gold from the economy the paid price of things also is reduced because there is simply less gold to go around. Instead of an item costing 500 gold it would instead cost 100 (number values totally made up for illustration only) TBC also has numerous EASY ways to make gold without cheating, or exploiting in turn harming the gold RMT farmers more. Removal of gold from the economy as you have clearly pointed out will drive the RMT farmers to farm more instead of leveling, and this in turn shows us who’s a real player and who’s a BoT or RMT farmer. These accounts once ID’d then can be watched, and then both the RMT accounts and those who buy from them will be PERMANENTLY banned so that its plainly understood that buying gold is ban worthy.

I’m still waiting for someone to explain why lots of gold in the economy is a bad thing. In a game with no real gold sinks inflation is inevitable regardless of botting.


It’s a bad thing for people who can’t or wont buy gold but are also lazy and don’t want to farm or flip the AH. I assume that’s a majority of the under 25 give me everything for free crowd. The majority players aren’t the “BUt mY ParSE” crowd and just dont have the Gold to keep up, can’t afford anything in gdkp and blame everyone that has any gold of “cheating”

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Chinese gold farmers have always existed in WoW who cares, you just find ways to milk their gold like GDKP runs.

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While the gold is technically meaningless its also good in some ways because it puts some emphasis back into the gold farming quests and activities that are part of the TBC game play experience such as the non required daily quests, and such.

Outside of those activities its meaningless excluding the problems it creates for new players who do not participate in buying gold simply because the costs of getting simple things like enchants or buying certain materials and consumables can be very expensive due to the inflation manufactured by RMT.

Without RMT inflation will naturally come to pass in WoW, but with RMT the inflation is greater and more rapidly applied.

Overall a stable system where no inflation takes place is ideal, but in WoW with the systems we have to work inside of, its not practical.

Also, the “#nochanges” movement died literally before launch. Blizzard made changes to the game out of necessity, and that automatically killed the movement, no matter how loud they tried to be.

Lol the no changes people didn’t go anywhere. If you think that then you have the grasp of a 12 year old when it comes to understanding no changes.

The government already takes all my money and gives me nothing in return IRL, please keep this type of communism out of wow.


“The government already takes all my money and gives me nothing in return IRL, please keep this type of communism out of wow.”

Yeah but it screws the botters, which I like the idea more than anything else honestly. If the botters have less gold, they are screwed more.

The biggest winners in a gold reset would be botters and gold sellers, without a doubt. The inflation they’ve created lowers their profits, and surely many of their customers have churned by now.

Resetting wealth would put them at peak profitability and reactivate a lot of one-off customers. The record profits would encourage the development of more botting assets to meet demand. Gold reset would be catastrophic in the long-term.

I have hopes RMT & thus botting will cool down a bit in TBC. World buffs, expensive raiding, and botting form a strong feedback loop.


So people are going to level from 60 to 70 day 1?
You can’t buy flying until you are level 70.

I mean… yeah… people will.

But I was more specifically talking about people hitting 70 and the moment they do, they’re flying on an epic mount, done with the only appreciable gold sink in TBC apart from profession stuff only some of us will care about.

People will eventually have gold, it’s built into playing the game.

Imagine playing Monopoly and saying, “People will eventually have money, it’s built into playing the game,” as a reason to divy out all the bank’s money at the start of the game.

No correlation.