Delete 100% of everyone's gold for TBC

Here’s what they should do.

Open up a few fresh TBC servers and progress Classic servers to TBC with literally 0 restrictions.


I didn’t make this a suggestion at all, I was incredulous to your ridiculous restriction and asked for clarification.

Holy crap that’s such a load!

They promised Classic. They delivered Classic. If they move forward with TBC…that can also be interpreted as Classic…

They have no litigious exposure in this. That’s not by accident…Blizzard has their owl legal team to view any official company press release.

As to the OP:

Trying to punish players, who have not bought gold…by taking their gold away, because OTHERS have bought gold, is going to be a very hard sell.

Additionally you haven’t addressed the problem in the first place.

Bots create gold by automating the grinding of mobs. This creates gold, as do quests and vendor fodder which are not automated, hence seldom used.

Farmers then farm resources and sell to players adding to their massive amount of farmed gold…which they then sell to players.

Ban bots. Increase available nodes…which do NOT create gold but reduces pricing. This lowers the need to buy gold in the first place.

The ability to make cash in TBC from mobs is far easier than making that same gold in Classic.

Flushing gold doesn’t fix the problem…it just increases the demand for more gold buying in the first place.

This is market mechanics 101 for the love of God!


They promised they would never release classic. They made a promise that precedes their promise to release classic. That promise legally takes precedence. When my lawyer is done with them there will be no classic at all. ef you all, go play retail. Cause that’s all there will be. The court will rule and classic servers will soon be shut down.




i think the real point of discussion is, will blizzard devote any of its resources toward tbc classic, or will they instead tease the possibility of tbc classic for as long as possible while not actually putting any work into developing it?

Release schedules are a thing though. Regardless of holidays…

What? Did you actually type this out? Good god…

Release schedules aren’t set in stone and holidays don’t sneak up on you so your original point of it being “unavoidable” is pure tripe.

Not much fun when someone out trolls you… LOL

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You were whining about holidays. I said they were not avoidable, because they are the same time every year. This is why release schedules exist. You have to release what you have to release, regardless of holidays.

Why do you love to cherry-pick what people say, turn it into a pretzel, and throw it right back?

As someone asked you already once before…what is wrong with you?

No whining, just stating a fact that releasing content that necessitates consistent scheduling, like raiding an endgame instance, across major holidays and breaks always causes disruptions to online numbers. Adding not just Naxxramas but also Shadowlands to the same time frame and you disrupt everything quite a bit.

This is false, they can easily release early or delay.

I’m sorry you hate being outplayed repeatedly but I’ve made no errors in logic, I’ve only made you uncomfortable with your own declarations and forced these half-baked concessions and shifts.

I find it interesting folks say that those who want a gold reset only want it because they are jealous or some other negative thing.

I like having lots of gold like anyone else, but I will never make it my top priority. My wanting a gold reset has nothing to do with how I make gold. I’m not motivated to making 100,000 gold. That requires the sort of effort I am not doing as a super casual player.

I am concerned about those honest players who are putting forth that effort being at a disadvantage because of bots, gold sellers and players who use cheats, exploits and ‘not in good spirit’ means to acquire gold though. I’m concerned for the many, many players who come here complaining about gold inflation and such.

So, at the end of the day, it’s not about what I want for myself. It’s about what maybe best for the entire community.

I don’t see how allowing gold sellers, and other such folks, a win will help the community in TBC.

But, unlike a lot of you, regardless of what Blizzard does, I will be playing TBC. I have my opinions, but my opinions won’t stop me from playing.

taking away gold from everyone does not help anyone but the bots and rmt sellers.

they can just as easily farm the gold again and you’ve increased the desire for players that remain instead of quit to buy that farmed out gold or those rmt mats with real monies because you took everyone else’s gold.

without actually stopping the botting programs or taking away the high level characters or high level gathering skills these illicit acts will continue.

it wouldnt take long in many cases for them to get back online and getting the gold and services running.

look i know your frustrated at bots and rmt in the game but this will not work. the only things you’ll do is make players mad and quit as well as help sell more services and product for the illicit players.

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And the people for a gold wipe keep saying it’ll solve/alleviate the botting/RMT issue, but it’ll exacerbate it. I and many others have explained this over and over in varying levels of details, so I’m not interested in repeating myself.

A gold cut like this would never happen. The damage it’d do to the game and the unreal amount of unhappiness would be crippling.


“Oh so you’re broke so everyone else has to be. Got it.”- Washedupp

I have 26 black lotus on my horde 60, I wouldn’t say I’m broke really, lol

“You can’t solve TBC Classic by modifying gold. The problem is far too out of hand to simply resolve the problem by flipping an on/off switch on all player gold. Classic needed devs who both cared and understood the product, and it got neither.”

This, a thousand times this.

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thier maken black lotus BOP so better sell them soon

“heck hell no
i only have 400 gold but ive worked my tail off getting it
i dont want it all taken ayway just to plz some newb”

400 gold literally takes 3 hours to farm, so lol

Got a link on this?

Deleting everyone’s gold means the 24/7 raw gold farming bots will just keep farming and be way richer than the legitimate players. Eventually we’ll be in the exact same situation.

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Hard pass from me. When i’m not getting carried on this alt for free purples i’m usually farming/skinning yeti’s in the cave in winterspring. on my server rugged leather is 4g/stack and hides are between 10-15 a piece. Not to mention they drop between 3-8 silver a kill plus vendor junk. I’ve made 1k in the last week just farming and watching netflix. So no. I worked for my gold and would be pissed if it was deleted.

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