Delete 100% of everyone's gold for TBC

Holidays don’t sneak up on you…

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A couple thoughts:

  1. They should cap gold per account, imo. I’m saying this as someone who’s going to have 50k+ gold for launch, and 4 characters worth of mats/boes/consumes for my future elfadin.

  2. They should actually be banning gold buyers/sellers (which they do a comically poor job of currently)

  3. The theoretical cap for gold should be something like 5k, so poor the poor boys don’t get taxed. It’d purely be a tax on the “whales”

  4. Even if you put everyone at 0 gold, you literally make enough gold from questing 60-70 to buy flying. Resetting gold does nothing from that standpoint

  5. Gold farming in TBC is next level inflation compared to current classic. A good bosting mage is probably your top gold farmer now, doing 4 runs an hour, of 15g/run, per player, boosts in mara or zg… That’s 60g a run, 240g an hour. There’s at least 5 farms in tbc I can think of that pull more RAW GOLD an hour that don’t even involve boosting (which is going to have even more inflated prices in tbc), a few of those farms are literally double the amount of gold. TLDR if you think inflation is bad now, just wait.

5k… the raw cost for Epic Flying and you want that to be the cap?

One epic flying per account you mean…

Seems fair for people that have already farmed a ton of gold that they still get a big perk out of it.

And for the peasants who can’t be bothered to actually play the game and earn any gold, it’s a high enough bar that they they don’t get wiped out saving for said epic mount themselves.

Per account means only one character would have it, that’s rather ludicrous. Did you mean 5k cap per character?

I understand what per account means. Which is why I said per account. =)

I’d also personally wipe out any non soulbound gear as well… since people would just fill their inventories with boes to bring more “gold”.

That said, I doubt blizz actually does anything about the gold situation. Far more likely they just let people bring w/e they’ve got.

Oh so you don’t want to be taken seriously…

Oh so you really don’t want to be taken seriously.

I mean if you’re allowing 5k per character, everyone just fills all their character slots and gets allowed 50k…

Which would defeat the entire purpose of trying to limit gold coming into bc to begin with.

I’m not sure you want to be taken seriously.

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So let’s be very clear, you want:

  • 5k gold limit per account
  • Requirement that literally every last copper be consolidated on a single character so that they can buy epic flying
  • Once epic flying is purchased, literally every character would be penniless

And you want to be taken seriously? LOL


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Excuse me? I need my 24 Light Feathers for “Slowfall”. They’re not Soulbound, and every Alt I create and level through the world has picked up these Feathers that I just send over to Mage for Slowfall. Not to mention my Health Potions, I have on hand, just in case. My Runecloth to make Bandages. My Nightfin Soup to restore both my Health and Mana. My Arcane Powder for my AoE Buff. My Runes for Portals and Teleports. On top of that, wiping away my Gold, so I can’t even grab more of my Regeants that you want wiped out because they’re not Soulbound? :angry:


Taking away everyone’s gold will cause more harm than good.

It will piss off a lot of players

It won’t stop bots (it actually makes their raw gold farms better early on as the price of gold per real world $$$, would go up due to supply and demand, making it more profitable for a botter early on, and it would result in the same issues we have now in just a few months)

It won’t stop players that know what they are doing from getting ahead in gold again.

Basically, all a gold reset will do is piss people off, withing 2 months the mess we have in classic will be back. And thus the gold reset would only delay the same issue we have now, while also pissing people off.

It’s BETTER for the botters profit margins per time invested if gold gets reset, so no, I don’t think it will be a good idea to do it.


The funny thing is I don’t mind fresh BC Servers but not for the same reasons as some (not all) of these people want it. They’re main reason for fresh BC is because they’re more interested in wiping away everyone’s Gold. I really don’t care about wiping away everyone’s gold. I just think BC is a completely different game than Classic and should be treated as such. However, I’m not against progressing into it, either.

this guy gets it.

taking away the gold without the way to earn said gold just makes gold more valuable.

Just going to ignore all the gold you make between 60-70 then? Which is more than enough to fund at least regular flying, and quite likely also nets you epic flying if you’re careful.

Also, don’t change the subject. Your idea for “limiting” gold was 5k per character. Which is 50,000g on a server per account… That literally would defeat the entire purpose of limiting gold in the first place.

Not sure if literate. I’ll bold and italicize the word you apparently missed.

Everything I listed is considered “non-soulbound gear”.

So you’re not actually capping anything, you’re just nuking a portion of gold arbitrarily, which fixes nothing, irritates people, and still allows Day 1 epic flying and massive gold farming… so still not to be taken seriously.

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Thank you for confirming your status as a useless forum troll with nothing of substance to contribute.


Your grand solution was to just temporarily nuke huge hunks of left over gold before we go to TBC, while allowing people to still achieve the only sizable gold sink the moment they hit lvl70, and not restricting people from just taking their excess gold and spreading it around pre-TBC launch to alt accounts (which the most diehard farmers have several) or just guildies they like.


And yours was to “cap” gold at a number literally 10x higher (and almost assuredly dramatically higher than the amount 99% of players even have)… And pretend like you actually did something.

As I said, confirmed troll.