Delete 100% of everyone's gold for TBC

And I’m sure there will be a handful of fresh TBC servers for people like you. There’s nothing wrong with choice, just like there’s nothing wrong with people who would prefer to keep what they’ve built up in classic.

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Fresh no transfer servers.
And fresh with transfers.

That’s it, don’t touch classic servers.


Do you want CRZ Classic servers or do you want dead realms?

Irrelevant. Look at Old School RuneScape. If the game is good, people will play it. And WoW Classic is very good.

It isn’t irrelevant. Anyone that wants all the TBC folks to shove off and leave the present servers exactly as is will simply be shedding themselves of 80-90% of the server population, rendering the servers largely unplayable without forced merges and/or CRZ tech. I suspect any Vanilla enthusiasts would be highly resistant to CRZ since it was a Retail thing. That leaves forced merging and functionally dead servers, which renders the whole point of making TBC players leave pointless and extra work on Blizzard’s part.

Gold isn’t that hard to make. I don’t agree with wiping gold but I definitely think maybe there could be a cap amount of gold per server to be transfer. (5000g) for example should be the cap per server

okay for a minute here lets have a thought experiment:
do they have level 60 characters still?
do they still have 300 skill in skinning/herbing/mining?
did you take their high value items from them?

if they still have level 60 characters then they can still do any of the level 60 farms which still yield decent to fair amounts of money, many of which can still be botted by said bots. meaning they can farm money faster then previously and sell that gold for a higher premium due to no gold being in circulation. congrats you helped them out.

if they still have 300 skill in skinning/mining/herbing they can go out and gather materials to help boost skills for players, players who would pay rmt for their mats to boost their skills. congrats they are still “ruining” the economy.

so they still have high value items that players want or can vendor for large sums of gold or real cash, congrats they still make that green.

you’ve not solved anything by taking everyone’s gold, maybe alienated a large portion of your customer base in to not playing anymore and drove many who stayed into purchasing more rmt services by this move.

this has been my ted talk.

The question isn’t whether people will play it’s how many people will play it.

There’s already dead realms, come TBC there will be even more.

Don’t touch museums.


So you want dead realms then… OK

Irrelevant. It isn’t realistic to try and make WoW Classic high population forever. It just isn’t realistic for anyone. Even Blizzard. Game populations fluctuant much like the stock market does. The sooner you start thinking about games in this way, the better you’ll understand changes.

I guess we’ll just have to disagree that dozens of dead realms is irrelevant.

And while yes populations fluctuate, a static game’s population will only fluctuate down.


Hell no is my answer.

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Not likely. you’re missing the other factor. Retail. This has the potential to shift population, and it has. When Shadowlands launched, Classic dropped. Can you really blame Classic number falling? No, you can’t, because it was a controlled, expected decline in WoW Classic numbers. That is why you’re seeing dead realms.

Classic’s numbers were falling long before SL.

claiis nunbers arent falling every time i log in i sea tons peopple playing it

Weird it’s almost like it’s not a binary tons of people or no people, rather less people.

Blizzard will stagger the retail and wow classic updates to retain subs. 1 sub gets you 2 games. So in blizzard’s eyes, they will leverage content on the 2 games, so people are kept involved, progressing and happy. This is why TBC fresh is most likely happening in my opinion. It retains subs longer if you re-level and fill in gaps where retail development cycles happen.

During the TBC launch, blizzard can work on retail content when the player base shifts to TBC. They can literally control their own population swings.

They didn’t with Naxx, nor did they avoid the blunder of releasing new content just in time for the holidays… which causes all manner of disruption to a schedule oriented game.

Not avoidable.