Delete 100% of everyone's gold for TBC

The only way to resolve the problem is to permanently ban gold sellers accounts and IP lock regions.

Venezuelan and Chinese gold sellers can’t sell gold if they cannot access NA/ EU regions.

They should do this

I love how people think deleting gold will change anything. Credit card swipers and whales will still buy gold in this game and won’t care. Bots and Botfarmers will make up the gold you deleted in about 2-4 weeks because they run clockwork 24/7 7 days a week. All you achieve with this is screw over the normal players who actually farmed their few hundred gold in the world.

Some brilliant ideas some of you have. Maybe realize that you will not beat the bots with these methods. The only thing that would help is banning them swiftly and decisively and blizzard wont ever do that.


Will the whiners ever stop trying to do this? Because seriously, it’s kinda pathetic.

Yes lets go into tbc with 0 economy…

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How about give everyone a million gold. And a lollipop.

I have like 100 gold and haven’t even bought a mount yet… How about everyone that wants this just deletes their gold.

yeah im sure you and your friends are totally “farming” that gold

Wont work, people will just buy stuff thats expesnive to vendor and hold that.

No. what? If anything, add a gold cap. I got myself a nice 2.4k gold I can’t wait to bring into TBC. I’d hate to lose it because of bots


yes please, it wont be fair to new players for the gold hoarders to just face roll everything with their hoards of gold… if blizz really lets them transfer gold i will hate them even more lol

You tell em lol

Wiping all gold will only kick the problem down the road for a few weeks. Botters and gold sellers are the real problem.

There are people who only enjoy the game through farming gold. If you have tons of gold now, you will have tons of gold in tbc.

Make flying mounts 20k for fast. Fix

I don’t agree in a pure wipe. No one had this much gold back in Vanilla. The ‘top tier’ people had 5k.

With the new knowledge, GDKPS, and now people have their own money to spend, the gold amount has gone up considerably.

People are already hoarding materials for Burning Crusade use. Takes away from the spirit of a new expansion, for sure.

A cap is wise.

Someone trading 198,000 gold for Gressil, Dawn of Ruin, which, if this person did not farm up this gold, ponied up an estimated ~$3,500 to ‘buy’ it.

People paying 60-80k gold for Scarab Lord, etc etc.

It’s disappointing.

solution is blizzard needs to ban gold buyers and gold sellers. You want them to take action at the root of the problem. addressing symtoms does nothing. BAN the BUYERS and sellers.

cause purging the gold for every new version of the game just hurts the players who are active and you empower more the sellers and buyers who will not care.

I have plenty of gold and still prefer it to be capped for BC. It’s not just poor folks requesting this.

The best solution would be to provide fresh BC servers for those of us who like to start on an even playing field, and let you guys go ahead and play with your hoards.

Nope not good enough. After resetting gold put everyone into massive debt. Everything they earn will have a percentage taken off to pay this debt and it has compounding interest if you neglect farming gold.

This is one of the dumbest things people try to claim.
New players DO NOT care what people who have been playing this game since launch have!

Ignorance is bliss