Delete 100% of everyone's gold for TBC

This is the most ignorant nonsense I’ve ever seen spread by idiots. You may feel you’re not getting fair value for the taxes you pay but you can’t walk out your door without seeing a dozen things paid for by the government. You can’t even flush your toilet without using the pipes and treatment plants paid for by the government.


ROFL how is it possible to have so little gold? Try playing the game

We all started with zero gold and you still made this post.

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If there is a demand for something. There will always be a supply. A simple reset will not fix this issue. There are deeper problems that must be addressed.


I’m not, I don’t want TBC.

I was so surprised that people can’t see this that I wondered if these posts are made by RMTers the same way pickpockets put up “beware of pickpockets” signs.

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Yeah! What an awesome idea! Punish players who legitimately earned their gold! They will be so very happy. Also, only gold sellers will disagree with you is such sound logic! I mean, you really put some thought into that oh wise oracle!

I feel smarter after having read your post… Thanks!


Gonna be funny when all the casuals go to the “New Player” servers that don’t allow transfers from Classic. And all the farmers get stuck on servers with each other.

I’m a casual player and I will not go to a “New Player” server. In fact I’ll unsub if I can’t progress my characters. There is no way I’m going to relevel my 60’s all over again from 1 to 60. Casual players don’t have time to do that.

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I have a tinfoil theory that gold sellers are behind the “drums will be mandatory” mania currently plaguing the classic subreddits. They’re probably not, but if that meta becomes widespread then they’ll be the biggest winners.

Major gold seller income streams get cut off in TBC. DMT buffs & extreme consume stacking made them a lot of gold.

So, what about those of us who slowly accumulated gold over the past year, why are we getting punished for chinese/South American gold farmers and RMT’ers?

The only real solution is for blizzard to drop the ban hammer on bots and buyers alike to solve the problem and police their game against bots.

BUT, that means spending money on people to actually police their game like active GM’s. Acti/Blizz rather send that money to Bobby Kotick’s bank account.

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That’s a massive demand from someone who has 585g total.

Which is literally nothing btw.

If we’re not letting anybody take any gold into TBC then you may as well just do fresh surely? You’d make more levelling up again. I’d say limit it, sure, somewhere around 2-5k per character, but to get rid of all of it is just a terrible decision.

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dude… the amount of gold sellers and buyers on the oce server… which is australia nz and asia… it is 24/7 gdkp runs… people have beyond over the gold limit cap… which is beyond dangerous for the economy of a new expansion… on my server arugal… the prices for everything are based off whoever has the most gold to buy anything out and set the price… something usually 20g a stack is now 60g for eg… if someone put it up for under 60g… the person can just buy it out and put it back up for 60g. you need gold to make gold… just in real life… you can snowball from your wealth… or lose it all… gambling… because that is also another huge problem in the game…
frankly 50% of the people in classic wow now buy gold or sell it… and it seriously ruins the game for people who genuinely play it for fun and titles… people just buy things now for things like. world first boss attempts and r14… 60 accounts with epic gear. legendary weapons and the mounts… all it would take is one GM per server to srsly investigate stuff and put a stop to it… look at places like “ZG” “mara” “scholo” “strath” the bots levelling in durotar… ashenvale… you shouldn’t have to rely on people reporting and some automated system checker thing…

I think making fresh servers with gold restrictions ppl can transfer their toons to would be good… or something…
coz ye like runescape… and many other games with real world trading in it… this is a problem for the people who play the game for the right reasons.
I wish there was a game I could legally make IRL money from… like if blizz announced you could buy stuff on the AH with irl money… that would be my new job… but its against the tos of the game… and also ruins the experience of what the game is… reaching r14 felt like a little accomplishment with the padding system players created to put a price tag on ranking in pvp…

The only reason bots exist is because players continue to pay for gold online. It’s a player-made system and that’s why it’s difficult for Blizzard to do anything effective about it.

A gold reset doesn’t change the current mindset.

Even if they did a major reset wouldn’t the issue just reappear a few months down the track?

Bots are still around & people are still willing to buy from them. The only solution i see to this problem is if Blizzard did a hard reset on the gold and also did something to remove bots from the game.

Random test post.

Not going to happen we paid over a year sub for a game with 0 moderation in which botters and hackers ran the game.

You would have to go a few further to accomplish your goals.

  1. You would need to also delete any non-bound Blue / green BoE’s
  2. You would need to also delete any sort of materials for trades.
  3. You would need to also delete all mail and all Auctions.

Reasons you would need to do all this is because simply deleting the gold only gets the players to hide their loot in commodities.

This is the way