Delay the launch of WOTLK Classic

That’s hurtful.

Blizzard is in trouble financially. They need the boost money desperately.

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It does kind of boggle my mind a bit that just over a year ago TBC was only just launching for us, but given that TBC didn’t last even two years originally and given how much better players are in today’s gaming environment it doesn’t shock me entirely.

Whatever side of the fence you sit on this is objectively not true at best, or being intentionally obtuse at worst.

TBC will have an experience nerf when WoTLK goes live meaning you’ll outpace the content faster than currently, and I assume (albeit haven’t checked) that a lot of the group content will get toned down like Vanilla did to ease group requirements. Additionally since virtually no one will be running the raid content, and obviously not serving as a challenging form of content to consume anymore, it’s not anywhere near the same experience as when the expansion is the current one.

There’s a 0% chance they’re going to delay it anyways though. Classic content is on a sped up schedule, and given that original TBC didn’t even last two years it’s not surprising that TBCC is only getting 14 or 15 months.

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It’s not the same experience but it’s still there for fun and transmog. And for those behind the curve who couldn’t beat it pre-nerf, they absolutely will come through to check it off the list.

Do people on your server not still run 60 Naxx? MC?

Plus, it’s in my DK’s lore he must kill Illidan before he can start Wrath. Wonder when they will be allowed to use glaives, too…

Is this some strange RP thing?

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And that’s all well and good, but if you’re looking for a challenging raid experience then it’s not that. Let’s not pretend that doing the content at 80 even with pre-raid BiS is even remotely the same as running the raid at 70 as progression. That’s also ignoring that come pre-patch SWP is getting hit with a nerf bat.

The only Vanilla content I see being ran is Naxx and AQ, but they’re done specifically for items of value rather than specifically for the fun of it. It’s all well and good that people do want to do this for fun, but again, there’s no point in pretending that progression raiding during a current expansion is the same as being able to go back and nuke a fight.

To remind you, we are in a thread of someone not up to the current challenge so I was mainly suggesting it as a consolation.

The rest of us will be off along the way to Naxx80. :sweat_smile:

And I responded to a specific person within the thread making a bogus argument.

Either way, expansion isn’t getting delayed for any reason other than if there are technical issues with bugs or whatever. Doesn’t really bother me, but an argument presented in this thread was just stupid.

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Some hard facts here. It seems you have a lot going on in the real world. Which is good. But an MMO requires X amount of time investment if you want to do all the content. Now it seems you are moving at a much slower pace than everyone else. I have to ask are you in a guild that is clearing content together or are you trying to pug when you can? If you are in a guild than you have nothing to worry about you guys can move at your own pace all the raids will be there.

Now if you are trying to pug when you can well unfortunately you are not going to be able to most likely clear everything in tbc. You are in a very very small minority of player. The real average player has cleared most raids up to bt and mt hyj and are currently progging that. It’s been 13 months. All the raids have been nerfed except SWP.

It sounds like you only get 2 of 3 hours a week maybe less to play? Am I right here? If that’s the case man it would take you a other year to get to bt it sounds. If in your adult life you are only getting 2 or 3 hours a week the truth is you may not be able to play an MMO at the pace you want and that’s just a hard fact. MMO’s require grind and time and if you don’t have it you don’t have it than. But you can’t expect 90 percent of the player base to be held back for you.

We have cleared the content swp is out and we probably have another month and a half or two months of it. We are only doing 14 to 15 months of this xpac because it’s just an expansion.

I’m not saying you need to rush but I am saying you need to look at your life and time you can invest and have a real talk if you can play an MMO or if you need to play it just super casually. But brother we are all done with tbc and it’s time for wotlk


Worst part is that crusade will have no realms so even if you want to stay behind, you cannot. They aren’t just rushing through crusade. They are nuking it from orbit and will leave nothing behind. I hope sunwell gets nerfed before wrath is patched in because I want to finish it. I’d rather finish on nerfs than not at all before the rug is pulled out from under us.

“It will be nerfed in the 1 month prepatch.”
-We need it BEFORE the wrath patch.


Yeah no. Bring on prepatch now.


fixed that for you

It will be nerfed in the 1 month prepatch.

Delay the launch? Did they even give us a launch date yet?

September 13th is what the new leak said.

Tbh the dates for everything on the leak look solid.

We will see how true it is tho because according to the leak the XP buff is supposed to be in on the 19th.


Pre-patch will be around early September with WOTLK rolling out in OCT.

Tbc is an awful expansion tho lol.

Get us to wotlk immediately.

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Way earlier than that.

Wotlk by mid Sept easily.

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There will be plenty of people who at least attempt DF. New expansions are always popular for the first month or two.

Especially if we are going into month 4 of naxx and everyone is bored out of their minds.

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Yeah no thanks tbc is not that great and paladin reworks are very nice in LK, only reason im leveling one.

Prepatch Tuesday please!