Delay the launch of WOTLK Classic

Unlike some, many of us are still working our way through TBC. Not everyone is in a guild that clears raids in the first week. For many; work, family, and life responsibilities prevent us from devoting our days to playing WOW. This means that we level slower, acquire gear slower, and clear raids slower than players that play more often. We need more time to get the most out of TBC while we have the chance. For some of us this is our first time in WOW and moving through classic. And we are asking why the rush. Why push WOTLK out before we have fully experienced TBC. Perhaps this will not happen again. And once you make the shift to WOTLK there will be no going back. The TBC experience will end. Classic gave us 2 years to explore, level, raid, and experience all that Classic had to offer. People had time to level different characters to experience WOW from a different perspective, or from a different factions point of view. There was not the feeling of angst to rush through Classic because TBC was coming. Two years gave everyone the opportunity to experience all that Classic had to offer. This is not the case with TBC which has only had little over a year in play. Many are still working through content and clearing raids. Especially since you have had issues with server populations and have forced server consolidation, it would be reasonable to give these players time to make connections on new servers and complete content they were otherwise unable to progress through. We are not the “streamers” or the “youtubers” who are calling for WOTLK now. We are not your Elite group, we are the mainstream players that pay the same amount for our subscriptions as everyone else, and we say, “We need more time”. We ask you to delay WOTLK and stop rushing us through this experience. Give those of us that have other time commitments, the time to experience TBC like you did with Classic.


Prepatch when?


The sooner the better.


But there is. Whenever you want.

I pugged Sunwell a few times in early wrath, with people who similarly weren’t caught up during tbc to catch it. There are soon to be plenty of fresh dks who will want to do tbc raids.

Besides, you have at least a month or two left, we didn’t even get the summer xp event yet. Time enough to get your ducks in a row and get some raids down.


TBC content is not going away. Any angst you feel is optional, and I wouldn’t want to my wrath experience delayed because someone is feeling angst.


Just stop this


I’m in a dad guild and took 5 weeks to kill KJ…

How long y’all need???

End game content wasn’t supposed to be cleared by everyone, it’s ok if you’re raid team isn’t good enough.


Well said Amorantha, thank you for posting this. I myself have been playing wow now since 2005 and the classic experience is what brought me back to this game after I quit in 2015 after WoD was released. When Classic was released in 2019 it was so refreshing to be back in what I felt was truly an MMO again. I felt that retail had evolved into a race of sorts and that I was no longer enjoying doing quests, dungeons or raids. I like many other’s that play this game have other commitments in my life, work , family responsibilities and would like to continue to enjoy the classic experience at a non-accelerated rate. I am by no means a “casual” player either, I devote several hours almost every day playing tbc classic and would like to better understand why we were given 2 years to ENJOY Classic Vanilla wow and now are only given less that what we were given before to experience TBC.


Dwindling subscriptions and trying to avoid the front of the pack being stuck in too long of content droughts, because dwindling subscriptions…

Wotlk has major pull to it. The choice was either rush there or lose even more people.


Because they waited too long on TBC so we got stuck with like 5-6 months of Naxx.

These are prog servers, 4 month phase are fine.


I would also like just a few more months, I am not talking about a year, but give me until jan. also if they are worried about subs then why take away mastery? why because NO ONE LIKED IT. there is no way to make everyone happy, but blasting through expansions and repeating history is never a good thing. SLOW DOWN life gets in the way and giving us just a few more months for those of us on slow pop severs have time to catch up, and also dont have the money to move severs, it would be nice.


I don’t want a few more months.

Why is what you want more important than what I want?


Let this server go into LK.
Make TBC 1 PvP and PvE server.
Do the same to Classic servers.
Super easy but Blizz is greedy so yee.


WOW is a community, not an individual game. MMOs were meant to allow people to make connections, form friendships, experience content with others. Many of the people that came from Low - Pop servers and were moved would not have had the same opportunities as large Pop servers. I am sorry that you are only concerned with yourself, but some of us are thinking of others not just ourselves. While I still want the time to experience more, I think that we are doing a disservice to the people that struggled during a majority of TBC on small servers to launch WOTLK before the New Year.


You’re also being selfish…

Both arguments are selfish not sure how you don’t realize that.

You would only make it fair by having a majority vote but I’m pretty sure the majority wants wotlk now and not later


TLDR it please I don’t want to fry my brain reading a white block.

And no, they should realize classic ASAP because once DF drops most people are gonna drop to try that out lol.

Tbc has been out for a year. Level faster


If u think alot of classic players will leave for df u should go back to retail now.


I know it sounds crazy, but some people actually have jobs, family, and responsibilities. And leveling isn’t always the issue. If the server population is small it makes it difficult to get productive groups. Despite everything you do, you cannot clear a raid alone. All I am asking is think of others and their struggle. You might be an amazing Hunter, but again by yourself you cannot clear content.


Transfer faster?