Delay the launch of WOTLK Classic

I have a career and responsibilities too. I am not able to play for hours on end, and yet I want Wrath asap.

No delays.


How may hours a day do you play? (be honest) as I am curious since I don’t think 1 year is long enough

The fact that you suggest someone transfer is not the solution. Maybe you can spend money moving from server to server, but many people do not have that much money. Classic is said to stop after WOTLK, why rush the end.


You’re on crack if you think ppl wont lol

Well you have until September 13th to play this version of the game.


So where did you get your information on a drop date Manure?

Ugh, I moved 4 times including getting several horde 60-70 only to reroll alliance. Multiple times had to say bye to a guild just after getting to be noticed, because they moved to a server I didn’t agree with.

Nobody is forcing people to stay on bad servers. That is a choice. Can’t afford to transfer? They have been on sale so many times. For most of the servers actually dead, you can now transfer off for free. Rerolling is the other free option, soon to be 50% faster.

Late starts? I know all about it. Yet here I am, 6/6 Sunwell at last. Finally somewhere I belong and quite content. Don’t quit on the search and don’t sit somewhere you don’t want to be. And do yourself the favor of researching your new ideal server carefully so you don’t end up wasting time again.


My wife’s boyfriend works for Blizzard.


Heck no man, I can’t stand to sit around running BT and SWP for another 6 months, delaying wrath would be a sure fire way to destroy guilds on every server as people unsub and look for other things to do.

You can still run all of your TBC content after wrath releases man, you don’t even have to level up if you don’t want to. I know the game will be changed so it’s not the same, but most raiding guilds have already cleared or done as much as they care to do of SWP and we don’t want to farm that raid for another half a year.

The sooner we get WotLK, the better.

If your guild hasn’t finished the content yet man I can understand how frustrating it must be to feel like you’re on a shortening treadmill, but check out warcraft logs and you’ll see most guilds are done with it all and populations are steadily declining as people unsub until wrath. You are in the minority here good sir.


This is the real concern. How many more weeks to deal with raid roster attrition and seeing new faces every week as more of the team calls it and goes on vacation until wrath?
And if they stay away too long, will they even come back?


I don’t think I am in the minority of people that would like a delay, maybe just in the minority of people that comment on the forums. I think that this is a community of friends and the idea that we succeed together should be the focus. We are not a PVP server, so there were never any free transfers to or from. We are a small/medium population and have lost a lot of people to the larger servers. We would like more time.

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Even if you are still working on clearing content, you are not the ‘mainstream’ players. It sounds like you’re on the “we’re very slow” playstyle, which, don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with that. But you can’t expect everyone else to wait for you while you slowly try and clear content until you feel that you’ve experienced it enough

A lot of us are done with TBC. We’ve been done since BT. As someone who has been ready for WOTLK for months now, I say this to you - better hurry up. You only got a month or 2 left, tops.


Not to be rude, but your measure of success is a bit lacking. Sunwell has been out for 2 months.

Each week you do not satisfy your best players you run this risk. Especially now that pve can move to pvp. Ignore it, and you will absolutely be left with the bottom of the barrel players only. And that makeup of “whoever is left” is definitely not going to down bosses for you.

Yes, something’s gotta give, but it’s not the launch date.


You are 100% in the minority.


My guild is also a bit behind, but I’m torn between wanting to get through all of TBC and wanting to get on to wrath.
I think the worst part of this is that we don’t have a solid timeframe, just guesstimates.

September 13th mark your calendar

Dang, the one month I guessed around.

Hope that means xp event on Tuesday then.
Still need a few more classes to 70

You are not in the minority in feeling that TBC was rushed.

You absolutely are in the minority of wanting to delay Wrath at this point.

July 19th for the experience buff.

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I will wait for more reliable source. But personally, am on a tossup between wanting more time and wanting wrath.