Define evil

You have such a messiah complex.

Why bother with the few regulars on the wow forums?

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Evil is joining LFR and mind controlling the tanks off the ledge during Lords of Dread.


I bother with whoever is present where ever I find myself.

Oh I see ,closed community then,seem like you’re an alien from somewhere else than Earth. I guess you’re trying to change us to believe our reality is false then.

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I love Imagine! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Evil. Injustice. Equality. All of these things have very nebulous definitions unless you expand. Just because they require context does not mean they mean nothing. It is like saying “don’t touch that it is hot.” Hot means nothing, but people aren’t confused when you say it.

Injustice means something is unfair (unjust). This is demonstrable and I understand it.

Inequality means things are unequal. This is demonstrable and I understand it.

Evil means you don’t like something. You cannot demonstrate to me why you don’t like it, because that’s your opinion. I do not understand, nor do I care.

“Shreds” makes me think of someone who is dead inside and awaiting their eternal slumber as they slog through this world.

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Any that goes against Gods word and his rules.

I’d say I died around age 4 and I’ve been decomposing ever since.

First thing that came to mind - Blizzard

That is a very young and tender age.

It’s never too late to get help. Life is so much brighter when the dreary fog lifts from it.

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A loner can’t even grasp reality is pretty rare individual ,like a bear coming out of a cave after a long slumber ,he just lives a life of repeated cycles with only nature as time .Desires an deemed and love a passing notion but he eats his full of life before he return again to the cave.

This is like defining “hot” as "excessively warm. You have merely replaced one nebulous word with another.

Would still require context. Bill Gates is unequal to Elon Musk. Should we fight for their equality?

I already did. Maybe you missed it.

Ironically, or maybe not, you expressing your views but not caring about the views of others is a good demonstration of a small evil.


Evil is anyone that doesn’t embrace the love and light of N’Zoth. Or not eat my YUMMY cookies.

:skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones: :skull_and_crossbones:


Imho, and in the simplest terms:

To willingly cause, inflict or allow through inaction, unwarranted, unwanted or unsolicited suffering.