Define evil

Aspects can vary culturally, but there are some things that tend to be universally viewed as evil such as torture, rampant destruction, and playing demon hunters.

I disagree. The holocaust was a racist agenda. I see no supernatural element to the holocaust that makes it worse than any other successful racist agenda (the extermination of the Tribal Nations by the US Government, for example.)

“Evil” is complete bunk and shouldn’t even be a word. It’s like the word “god.” It’s a linguistic Rorshach ink blot.

If you force me to define evil, I’m going to describe Christian Conservatives.

They are going to describe me.

You are going to describe the holocaust.

It’s all meaningless. We’re using the same word, but meaning radically different things.

Useless word is useless.

That’s a bad hot take.

So you’re saying that a racist agenda isn’t evil?


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I disagree with you.

Only some sadistic mind would twist the holocaust into not being “evil”.

No one alive - past, present or future has the right to play ‘God’ over the lives of people.

I can agree with this. but, idk how you couldn’t say the same for the holocaust.

You’ve had one too many bowls today or something. I’m out for this.


The only thing I consider evil is conformity.

That’s of no value. The word “evil” fails in its only function - to convey meaning. It conveys nothing.

Because I’m not affected by the holocaust. My great grandparents were killed in it, but I wasn’t alive then and I have no personal experience with the holocaust. It doesn’t emotionally reach me.

I have a plethora of bad experiences with Christian Conservatives, and so my hatred for them is raw, real, and unquenchable. I would be motivated to call them “evil” out of hatred and rancor, not because they are.

The truth is that nothing is evil.

All things are permissible.

There is no good reason.

sigh I am never done…

Well, I deem this a conundrum.

anything considered “evil” imo is a thing that benefits no one and is a detriment to everything that is not natural.

for example. if a person sends a meteor at the earth, the meteor isnt evil but the person is.

Morality is a conundrum. The issue we run into is that there is no such thing as objective morality. Morality is just a collection of opinions.

But half the people with morality claim that theirs comes from an objective source, which obviously doesn’t exist.

Morality can’t help but create a conundrum. We’re using words without concrete meanings to communicate nothing.

Thank you for saying what I was thinking, I just wasn’t expecting to see that hot take on the forums and I haven’t finished my coffee yet.

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This is the definition I will show you with the non subjective/joke examples you give.

Cruelty is evil. If I stab you in the chest, that is evil because presumably you would not choose to be stabbed in the chest. However, a heart operation is completely different despite also being a chest stabbing. The doctor is not evil for stabbing you in the chest because he would also choose to be stabbed in the chest to fix a heart problem.

They also don’t expect the animal they killed to have any more sympathy for them. Cats kill mice for fun, they run from dogs because they expect the same treatment.

If you would support your own abortion at any stage in development then you are at least consistent and therefore not being evil. I highly suspect you do differentiate between an “abortion” and someone who would go on a rampage in a neonatal intensive care unit. Up to you how you want to square that circle I’m just pointing out how your inconsistency is the evil Balandor identifies.

This is evil because the human trafficker presumably would not choose to make themselves a slave. The fact they always have access to themselves and do not change places with the trafficked person is proof of evil.

Why question a morality when it is based on a community which has rules of common behavior? This is an med ring of a labyrinth zone with good and evil placed in the center to say the causes from the inside itself justified with the bases of the out is not even consider anything real to begin with. Morality is a collective but base solely on the will of survival.

The only thing I consider “evil,” as previously stated, is conformity.

I don’t do anything based on my community. Morally, I go my own way every single time.

I have never allowed anyone to tell me what is right and what is wrong. I decide for myself.

But you do ,morally react to that environment you live in ,so do you help those in need?

Trying to follow your logic, I take it everything to you is ‘nothing’.

Lemme guess, you’re the kinda person who questions everything with "how can this benefit ME?"

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I don’t participate in my community. Online communities are the only ones in which I discuss any form of morality. My family doesn’t regard morality the way contemporary Americans do. Morality is subjective and we have our own ethics that have nothing to do with the status quo. We have moral stances that would likely offend you (Animals > Humans, for example). But they’re our morals and we observe them.

Standard morality does not concern us.

I do not encounter anyone in need.

Lmao. Ya’ll are so above people. I can’t believe you grace us with your wisdom on the world of warcraft forums.



Define evil? Relative to what point of reference? It’s like a given temperature. 100 degrees is hot compared to ice, but not the sun.

Everything is nothing? What does that mean?

“Evil” is a nothing word because if you use it like a real word, it fails to communicate anything.

“What do you do all day?”
“Fight evil.”

Well, what does that mean? I have no idea what you’re fighting. You still have to tell me if I’m going to know, because the word you chose (evil) failed.

Not at all. I don’t care what benefits me. I’m not here to human.