agreed 110%.
Having no conscience, no sympathy, no empathy for other innocent living beings/creatures who have done no wrong to the person, and being willing to cause them injury, physical or emotional.
Youre sounding pretty evil to me there
convenient way of saying “i can do whatever I want to other innocent people and dont have to feel bad about it”
which is literally how an evil person would think
I think you might be projecting a bit there mate
This is not evil because those people are already being evil, since they aren’t putting themselves to work in the camps. Doing good is when you do things to others that you would want them to do to you. Such people have already violated this and should get their karma.
lmao…Im not the one who says evil is subjective.
I meant the “taking great pleasure” part.
This man
Modern philosophy is riddled with disease. Theyve asked the perpetual question for so long that the brain is incapable of accepting that some things are absolute.
Torturing a puppy for no reason is evil.
Yet in our world today a man would say that ‘evil’ is a societal thing, therefore torturing puppies for no good reason MAY NOT be evil if society doesnt deem it AS being evil.
Its a convenient way to allow oneself the ability to do whatever one wants to do without repercussion or guilt.
To be kind to the cruel, is to be cruel to the kind.
You might be right with the “pleasure” but hopefully they meant that as “a sense of justice.”
Morality is subjective.
There is no concrete answer of what is right and wrong because society itself makes the rules.
Many different cultures across the world have very different values.
Many countries i would be executed in just for existing. To them, thats moral.
You want to believe your values are an objective fact that governs the world. I get it. We would all like our thoughts to work that way. But they really dont.
Evil is a concept made by humanity and it is very much subjective.
26 posts?
I dont think this is for any project at all. I think the ‘project’ was to troll this forum.
lmao…only in your mind.
trolling thread reported and /muted
Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart said he couldn’t define obscenity but “I know it when I see it.” It’s easy to provide examples of evil but difficult to define it. Torture, harming others to benefit yourself (which is a HUGE category containing many types of behavior), murder, war, etc. are examples of evil. But to boil it down and make a comprehensive definition is beyond me and probably most folks.
You reported and muted yourself?
Im impressed. Didnt even know that was possible.
Note how you say “for no reason” however. There is an implicit “reason” here.
The flaw here is such a man is relying on society to define evil and good. Such a man is a tool of that society. The term “useful idiot” would fit here. We just had Columbus day and a lot of people are pretty unhappy about things that were perfectly acceptable in all major societies at the time.
It is subjective, but it is not “do whatever you want.” You define the rules but your adherence to those rules define you as good or evil.

You reported and muted yourself?
Im impressed. Didnt even know that was possible.
She might be having the same trouble I am. The forum is lagging strangely. I’ve almost used some quotes that made no sense at all lol.
Being cognizant of your own capacity to abide by such simple precepts as help to support polite society, polite society being one in which people need not fear the violation of their natural rights to life, liberty and property, and choosing not to abide by them, not necessarily counting such retributive acts as were by previous evil stoked.
I’d need a lot longer to actually pin it down properly, but in short that’s about what I think.