Define evil

If only we could all self heal a little more, be a little more empathetic and put our ego aside some. World would be such a better place.

I did have fat finger indeed, thank you.

It’s bald with no eyebrows.

Voltaire slaps. :metal: :metal:

Unfortunately, “all” will never happen, so what happens in Ukraine does. And there is a nice one word definition of evil.

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I know. It makes me sad though. so much potential.

Believe me, it happens to me all the time partner. At my age Arthur has good hold of my hands now and makes it even worse.

I guess that is what they call the lizard brain??

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I have a pretty moralistic take on it. In my view, evil is anything that violates the agency of another person (unless that person is using their agency in a way that violates other people’s agency; in that case, it may be a necessary/lesser evil to temporarily inhibit their personal sovereignty for the protection of others). Basically, “don’t force your will on another, unless that person is forcing their will on another”. By forcing your will on another, I don’t mean being preachy or vocal about something that others disagree with; I mean actually infringing on another person’s self-sovereignty by using physical force, legislation, etc.

Evil is also any action or attitude that leads to a reduced quality of life for oneself or others (read: addiction, aggression, crime, any host of vices or toxic outlooks, etc.), unless that action is voluntarily taken for the benefit of others (read: self-sacrifice for a loved one or a community, where you risk your quality of life to rescue someone from a burning car or building).

So, OP, if the “project” you’re working on is like a character rp profile or something, I would say that an evil character is someone who forces their will on others, especially in a way that leads to a reduced quality of life.

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Everything against one pure positive nature is evil,we have both it is our choice the we have to make.

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Couldn’t have said it better.

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Glump! :scream:

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Generally someone who is evil does something that the society they belong to sees as a wrong action. Someone who is evil do not care about if a society sees an action as wrong, they will do it anyway.

Holding others to a standard of ethics which you do not follow.

This will cover everything from being rude to genocide. You’re welcome.

Evil is the same as good ,what we see in the world itself is the conviction of both being played out,the world is a tool we can either use or not it is only a means to transfer it. This can be easily by using money as a medium it can be used for both by only be verified by means of it’s use.

Evil isn’t a real thing. It’s a label applied to whatever you don’t like.

In reality, nothing is good or evil. People just feel some type of way about various things and arbitrarily decide what they consider “evil.”

LOL,so cooking and eating is an evil even though I love pizza. We should verified that with pizza!

That’s cruelty. Cruelty is common in animals. It’s malicious, but I don’t consider cruelty to be “evil.”

That’s inconsiderate, not evil.

I’m seeing a lot of people equating cruelty to evil. Interesting. I disagree, but it helps me understand the neurotypical brain.

That’s just instinct.

No, there aren’t.

No, it’s not.

He was a kitten compared to me with an army.

That’s not evil, that’s greed and cruelty.

Same as above.

The fact that you can continue to be wrong indefinitely is not the flex you think it is.

The holocaust was evil.

As much as I want ppl to be their best selves and live a fulfilling life… I do not wish the same for the revolting POS who were ‘okay’ with the actions with the holocaust and partook in doing that to another human. I would take great pleasure in taking those ppl out.