You are just a troll so w/e your arguments don’t matter. Also to say that following orders is the worst thing, but then say her actions are morally grey, so yeah…
If we were unable to communicate this might present issues. But as long as I treat you as I want to be treated (gosh I heard that somewhere…) and you do likewise, the inconsistencies can be communicated and avoided. As long as we are both equally willing to do so. We are both going to prefer to be treated certain ways.
One lived and one died. One is preying on the other’s sickness and desire for self destruction. Which is evil.
Even if they ate each other until they ran out of appendages, they are preying on each other’s desire for self destruction. Which may be evil or insanity. A little of both really.
My point is, the concept you just presented (the golden rule) is something only human beings care about or practice. No other living specific on any planet in our observable universe thus far appears to live by what we consider morals. Literally just humans, and not even all humans believe in the same parameters when it comes to morality.
Go to California and ask them what their morals are, then go to Texas and you’ll find some different answers. Then go to the middle east and you’ll have a completely different set of morals. Same planet, same species, completely different standard of morals.
There is no baseline, is the point.
Well, I sure as hell would hope so. We’re more advanced and smarter than animals. Well, most of us.
Untrue. There are cooperative species all over. Not all humans cooperate. There are exceptions both ways, nether renders the rule false. It is the fact that these beings have a preferred state of being that defines the rule. Put your dog outside, see if they look at you with betrayal in their eyes or not.
Be that as it may, both were adults, both did discuss it at length and both did consent. Nonetheless I can content to call the act evil, and would apply the same to the likes of bug chasers and spreaders and other such activities as might consenting adults do which could be deemed inconducive to the preservation of the previously defined polite society.
This is why it is not evil. That doesn’t render it sane. You still have the 2 schizophrenics, in my example, cutting each other open to get the bugs out. The sane pretending this is normal and sane is where the evil lies.
The evil that is in the world always comes of ignorance, and good intentions may do as much harm as malevolence, if they lack understanding. On the whole, men are more good than bad; that, however, isn’t the real point. But they are more or less ignorant, and it is this that we call vice or virtue; the most incorrigible vice being that of an ignorance that fancies it knows everything and therefore claims for itself the right to kill. The soul of the murderer is blind; and there can be no true goodness nor true love without the utmost clear-sightedness.
Evil is anything that goes Against Gods moral laws.
They aren’t pretending it’s normal, they’re treating it with the reverence due an ultimate expression of their love and shared lurid proclivities and recognize what will come of it. They’re as sane as anyone is who was lead to let their actions and morals be dictated unto them by a glorious bearded man in the sky, or more appropriately the priesthood of any ancient religious sect which practices human sacrifice; which in the latter case is to say damnably so.
The deprivation of another’s life ere its natural or accidental end is what constitutes the evil, not the status of their consent nor the soundness of their minds, and stands regardless of either.
That doesn’t matter.
If one person wants it, which there’s always one person, then it means it is relative.
Opinion and it doesn’t change moral relativism
So your way of proving that a Dog feels “betrayal” is how their eyes look to you? Sorry, but I’m going to need more evidence than that. But you’re getting off my point.
We have no empirical proof that anything other than humans practice the concept of “morals”, which means only humans think about the concepts of “good” and “evil”.
Your philosophical rambling implies that you have settle on a baseline definition of evil, and expect everything else to follow your own definition. I’m letting you know that if that’s what you think, you’re completely wrong.
A lack of empathy, particularly in actions or deeds that stands to benefit yourself at the detriment of others.
If you are going to try and convince me dogs don’t feel emotions, you are barking up the wrong tree. (Pun intended)
False. For communal species, it is simply cooperation. Guess what happens to the bee and her offspring that is not the queen and tries to lay an egg? For different species we call it mutualism. It is a well known natural behavior.
Just because something is out of your intellectual reach doesn’t make it rambling, any more than quantum physics is “magic.”
Burning down an orphanage?
Walking around in the Texas heat going: “How about this heat, huh?”
Giving 50 cents as a tip in restaurants
Cropdust farting people minding their own business
Yell “OOH THEY’RE STEALING!” while pointing at a random person.
We’re not talking about emotions, we’re talking about concepts. Do ants understand the concept of the road they are crossing to get back to their colony? Do birds understand the concept of glass windows when they slam into them? I’m sure the bird feels pain when it slams into a window, but does it understand what a window is? Why it’s there? What purpose it serves? How they are made? The evidence so far suggest no, it does not.
You keep going back to the “communal species” ramble, but I’m not talking about species. I am talking about the entire universe. There is no universal moral compass that everything follows. Objects collide, events happen, stars implode, asteroids crater into planets, there is no rhyme or reason or intention behind any of this that we can observe.
Was the asteroid that caused the extinction of dinosaurs an evil asteroid? Or was it a good asteroid because it cause the required changes in the biome for humans to exist?
Nor do they need to. If having a clear grasp of what defines evil was required to not be evil, we have a lot of evil people in this post. There is a reason “because the Bible tells me so” was a perfectly acceptable answer for centuries, and for many still is, when it comes to what is good and evil. It completely bypasses the why, the same way an ant follows the scent trail because that is what it knows to do.
This would require the entire universe be separated into what is good and what is evil. The vast majority of the universe and what happens in it is neither. One asteroid colliding with another, even if one is utterly obliterated, is not the work of good or the scheming of evil. It simply is.
That you can’t understand it was neither explains to me why you think I’m rambling. It was a tragedy for the dinosaurs, but unless you think the dino-devil sent the asteroid, it was not evil. Plenty of good and bad things happen every day with zero intent or will.
You must have gotten angry at quite a number of demon possessed hammers and table legs over your life if you fail to grasp this concept.
alot of evil is done for the sole purpose of harming others for the sake of it.
a good man however will try to help others in need.
basics really, however, that doesnt mean, a good/evil person cannot do the opposite, an Evil man once told his wife to claim the bounty on him so she can live a life outside of the poor state they were in.
while good in action, the man did commit a series of murders…
idk any good folks who did evil, so im just gonna say arthas is the other example, good man did bad because he wanted to help his people.