Defias Pillager Server lag killed hundreds of toons in minutes - SOUND OFF!

I was fortunate enough to have been just sitting in SW crafting pots when this happened. My screen froze, then a few seconds later it logged me out. Took a few seconds to log back in, then only to see deathlog go bananas.

I can’t imagine how I would feel losing a 60 in raid as many did. There’s a significant difference between my cat jumping on my keyboard or my lights going out vs the server temporarily dropping out. While I’m not a fan of rollbacks of any kind… someone earlier made a suggestion of doing a rollback/restore for anyone who got killed within a few minutes of the issue. I would not be opposed to this.

HC ToS or not, WE (mostly people that died) deserve some sort of explanation and assurance this won’t be happening again, or that we at least get some form of communication beforehand. I’m 100% fine letting Benny get me on the farm, but I am not ok with preventable server stability. Please find a way to make this right Blizz.



No we don’t deserve anything, not an explanation, and certainly not some assurance that it wont happen again. All that would do would create future expectations which couldn’t be met, and would do nothing except cause more problems and provide a further platform for those who simply want to yell and spread as much hate and discord as they can, in their effort to turn the hard-core server into appeal-core.

Thing is, if you can’t handle dying for any reason, you shouldn’t be on a HC server period, it doesn’t matter how you die or if its unfair, if you can’t agree to this, take the free transfer, you don’t lose anything, and you can even do it after death.

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Blizzard has already done so.
Here is an official response when Stitches-EU experienced similar issues:

People can continue to ask but Blizzard seems to be holding fast to stated policy.
Good for them. I appreciate it.

Man you must be Sucha happy guy in the real world

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Well my opinion if something of this scale happens again, there will be NO HC servers.
After the issue that was 100% blizz’s fault happened in Europe, I decided to never do HC again.

So what’s the !@#!@#!@ point in playing a HC server WHEN it happens again?


Players knowingly accept the risks rolling HC toons. I know it still harsh but I lost my 60 on a server lag wipe so I understand the frustration.

Still, it’s the terms of HC server. They clearly state that even if we (Blizzard) screw up there’s no exception

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AGAIN, the issue is not the occasional rare server outage. Poop happens.
The issue is that we have experienced a multitude more of them after official HC launched compared to when we were on SoM or Era (Bloodsail for NA or Hydraxian for EU). Blizzard needs to address this. Whatever is causing the servers to poop themselves constantly needs to get fixed asap

So true. I’ve played IronMan (one of the original HC challenges) since 2012 on the normal servers, never have I had so much lag and so many DCs than since Seasonals launched.

I don’t even demand a fix. I’d just like Blizz to warn us - ingame, like for rolling restarts - whenever they mess with the servers’ code.

I get that. It’d be nice.
But their response to the EU community after Stitches was hiccupping over and over not a single isolated incident tells me it’s probably not going to happen.

I’m okay with that but I understand others have to work through the stages of grief.

Tbh rather than “warning us” just make a schedule for times when work may be done on the server. These could be listed as high risk times to play hardcore. Guilds could schedule their raid times to avoid these spots.

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That’s the genius part. there isn’t :expressionless:

That would work as well. The problem now is that we never know when Blizz will kill us.

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Look at all of the blue posts from Blizzard apologizing, lol.

They. Dont. Care.

o7 to the fallen.

Ya’ll need to move over to Skullrock. They should have had 1 server to begin with anyways.

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true. been having a great time leveling on skullrock. if defias is unstable then switch over

Sure, if they offer free transfers…

Blizzard! Make it happen! Engage.

Yeah, free transfer between HC servers - but both directions, please - maybe on an account-bound timer to avoid mules, would be great.

Not all in game lag is a DDoS.

RIP Bozos!

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