Defias Pillager Server lag killed hundreds of toons in minutes - SOUND OFF!

Blizzard doesn’t care. This game has been a cash grab since 2009. Unsubscribe or keep paying for a neglected experience. Your choice.

I wish it was neglected


I’m pretty sure they are doing live maintenance on HC servers with no warning being given.

Yesterday on skull rock - maintenance time over and the game fully updated, play the game normally for 2-3 hours then I get randomly disconnected and the update button replaces the play button at the launcher. As I was fighting a caster mob at the time, my character was obviously dead when I got back up.

This is pretty bad and they are literally giving zero turds about it.


we all knew the risks. this is hardcore baby, settle down!

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Stop messing with HV servers. We don’t need updates! You’re ruining it. It’s not classic if you change it.


lol :clown_face:

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Everyone just unsubscribe. The fact they haven’t even acknowledged the server instability in a 1-life game mode to us paying customers is beyond insulting. “Fool me once…” un-subscribe if you want any changes.

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Just want to echo support for this. I didn’t lose any characters (just have two lv 19 lowbs) but Blizzard can determine and/or correlate times of DDOS etc and mass “deaths”. Restoring those characters in such a situation will go a long way towards customer trust and long-term viability of HC mode, IMHO.

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It would go a long way toward destroying the credibility of hardcore you mean.

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I respect that opinion, but disagree. These deaths were not a function of gameplay but technical issues. If they “lost” all characters in HC due to a technical glitch, and I mean all of them, but decided not to restore because of that paradigm, would that be ok? I suspect not. Death due to mobs or falls or mak’goras etc should not ever be undone…but when a server en masse becomes inaccessible, I think that is a unique case where restoration is not only viable, it’s the right thing to do.

No roll back.

That is the spirit of hardcore.

Go agane.


You are a softcorer. You don’t belong here.

Dying builds character :expressionless:

Is this better?

It’s July and you clowns are still doing this? You agreed to the terms, deal with it.


You all agreed. Reroll or don’t go hardcore.

By agreeing to play on these realms, you accept that your character’s death is permanent for whatever the reason. This includes disconnections, lag, server outages, gameplay bugs, or any other reason.


It’s to shield them against wanton and baseless claims of it being Blizzard’s fault (everyone and their mother would send tickets when they died, falsely claiming something happened on Blizzard’s side).

However, when it’s 110% clear that it’s a mass server outage, Blizzard should do the correct thing and resurrect those that died during the known outage (even if a handful of people who legitimately died just before/after the outage slip through their nets, its worth the salvation of the community as a whole)

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no, if even just 1 justified death is allowed to revive, the HC mode is over :expressionless: that’s why they won’t do it (well, that and laziness of course)

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Here to sound off, wont do anything but tired of losing my raiders to blizzard’s disconnects.

Did they even make things right?