Defias Pillager Server lag killed hundreds of toons in minutes - SOUND OFF!

EU has had much worse crashes and they have done nothing. No characters will be brought back. No matter how much complaining, no matter how many people say they will unsub, nobody will be brought back. This is how the server was intended. You won’t guild Blizzard into bringing your characters back.

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What people want is servers stability ffs.

  • How are Official Hardcore servers so unstable, and prone to issues like this?
  • How was the unofficial server (BSB) much less buggy than the official one?
  • How can anyone think that SoD updates (or any other game mode) endangering Hardcore servers is acceptable?

What we really want is the Classic devs to stop “working” or “developing” or however they call this. Take a 2 year vacation please


The fact you have so many individuals that subscribed to wow again specifically for official HC. But, blizzard clearly doesn’t care at all.

We had better customer service on unofficial. Why continue to support a company that doesn’t care about their customers.

i quit HC because of this , and it was my favorite game mode.

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Let’s be real, unofficial was BS too. Appeals for griefing? Pass. Griefing is also part of the game, every game.


I’ve never been griefed in a single player game :slight_smile:

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I haven’t played much hardcore, but I do remember when I logged into it there was a big disclaimer I had to agree to that stated there would never be any character restorations for any reason, including Disconnects.

You kind of sign your own death sentence right there. Lag and disconnects have been, and will always be, something that can happen in an online game. You assumed the risks before even making the character.

It sucks, but you agreed to it. Is it really Hardcore if they can restore the characters? It takes the risk away entirely and defeats the entire purpose of the game mode.

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This post is still going, wow.

Have you guys learned nothing from the Euro server crashes that killed 100s of toons? Blizzard does NOT care. They made it clear they would never roll back, including a situation like DDOS, lag or server dc.

You literally agreed to these very rules when you accepted TOS and now you’re all begging for the rules to be bent.

It sucks. It is what it is.

Reroll or cancel your subs.

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Anyone thinking this is an acceptable way to lose a character (YeAh I kNoW wE SiGnEd Up 4 iT dErP) has no empathy for others. The fact that SOD & HC Wow are connected by similar servers, causing anyone in HC to DC to issues other than their own internet problems is EGREGIOUS AND PREVENTABLE. I don’t care what people “LiTeRaLlY SiGnEd Up FoR”, Blizzard server DCs will kill HC servers. Why even both playing if things like this can happen.

I know a month wow sub doesn’t compare much to expensive microtransactions in other Blizzard games, BUT DO BETTER BLIZZARD. INVEST TIME/ENERGY IN THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE INVESTED IN YOU.

It’s not about empathy, it’s about reality. Yes it sucks. 100s of 60s have died to the same thing.

Blizzard will absolutely do nothing and they do not care about the hours spent.


It’s about both. You’re choosing to only make it about reality. The Devs need to look into this or the reality is that HC won’t survive much longer. Nobody wants to play on servers that dc regularly, leading to deaths.

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What makes this all worse is many of the people who died in BWL successfully petri’d before fully dc’ing but the server wouldn’t let them zone out of the raid. Killing them.

I don’t understand this attitude. Rolling back technical problems that occur on blizzard’s end does not entirely take away the risk of hardcore. It would still retain all gameplay related risks of the gamemode, and all technical problems that occur on the player’s side.

I don’t think anyone considers the purpose of the gamemode to be exposure to the dangers of blizzard’s technological failures. Most people consider the purpose to be gameplay related deaths.


And I don’t understand the mentality of asking for something that you accepted would never happen before even making the character. Server stability has always been a cause of concern in WoW. Once they make the exception once it will be expected every time there is a disconnect death regardless of the reason.

This would just show that players don’t read what they’re agreeing to and just expect things to work how they want it to work. If you can’t accept the risk of a disconnect death than you shouldn’t have started playing HC in the first place.

I’m not saying this doesn’t suck, because it does. However, Blizzard doesn’t owe anyone anything and from the sounds of it this has happened multiple times before in the past on other servers and they did nothing. They can’t pick and choose when it’s acceptable to do a rollback and when it’s not. They set their rules, the players agree to it and tempt fate, or they don’t and play something else.



Blizzard didn’t do it for EU when an incident very much like this happened and shouldn’t do it now.
They laid out the rules before you logged in your character. That was the time to stomp your feet and rage quit.

You die, you die.
This is Hardcore.


No rollbacks. BUT in the future warning like for server close down whenever anyone touches the code so that we can log off and stay safe.

wtb a camera at aggrend’s desk so i can see if he is “working” so i can log off


Yep I have lost 2 above lvl 50 characters to this , such a pain to die when its not even your fault … Blizz needs to do something about it but they def wont saddly :frowning:

Is the reason they decided they can’t/wont do rollbacks because it would affect the non hardcore servers. Would those servers roll back too?