Decrease The Queue Time of LFR and Dungeon like Warfront

Tbh they just need to get rid of lfr, it’s full of people afking or sandbags getting carried by 2-5 people making it takes 10x longer to complete.
The only reason I ever torture my self by doing it is if there’s a mount involved ie mekka mount which you now need to kill jaina for but if 75% of the people are afk and the others are doing like 2k dps it’s not worth the effort/time.
Should get compensated for actually contributing to the completion of the instance and punished for doing nothing that would essentially give you nothing for completing it.
It’s an idiotic system and I admit there are a ton of sandbags in this game that can’t make it past heroic raids but this isn’t experiencing the content in my opinion. Casuals today are spoiled, entitled and expect to do literally nothing and get something in return “like real life”.

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