Decrease The Queue Time of LFR and Dungeon like Warfront

Just don’t have role requirement so that everyone gets instant queue like Warfront.


Well…don’t you think a 5 DPS dungeon or 25 DPS raid would be a bit of a problem?


It would encourage players to roll tanks and heals and the problem would take care of itself.


You don’t wanna try LFR without tanks and healers… it’s already bad enough…


No… no it wouldn’t. It would just encourage people not to waste their time with LFR anymore than they already do.


Maybe you’re a troll, but if you dont, i think is very cleary to understand that without tanks and healers its totally impossible to do any raid boss.
Warfronts are just trash to kill, it don’t have bosses or mechanics that requires tanks or healers.


I would never tell anyone in this community “impossible”. I’m sure it can be done, just with much pain and suffering.

Warfront is done with only healers all the time. LFR and heroic dungeon is easy mode. It won’t waste anyone time because it is instant queue for everyone.

That’s because nothing in a warfront requires tanks or healers.

Boss mechanics in LFR require tanks and healers.


We are talking about LFR, a group of random and low geared people, and not about a pro with heroic/mythic gear.

Oh yeah, try it then. You will waste infinite time wiping.
Or you never played the LFR before or you is a Troll. Sec option it’s my guess.

Blizzard simply needs to make the game good again so you won’t have those pesky queuing problems.


Your name intrigued me.


Not yet. Soon though.

Noticed the guild name.

Moved on.

Heroic Warfronts aren’t queued content, they require premade groups, try again.

Try again with what? I don’t care about OP’s problem/solution. I’m just saying soon there will be a place for tanks in warfronts.

The thread is about queued content.

All of a sudden I agree with the OP and think he’s onto something here now.

Actually i think you have a point. Everyone must support the OPs idea.

It’s brilliance cannot be understated.