Declining real life friends due to low R.IO?

So much thin skin, you’d think you were all forsaken

REAL FRIENDS would understand and not ruin your key.

You can help them gear, but don’t jeopardize your key.

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Doesn’t sound like you see them as friends honestly. I have carried a number of friends through keys to help gear them out because they are my friends.


Nowhere does he mention keys. He could help them get a start with mythic 0. That way he is helping to get them started.


So, you’re against training up your own perfect Key group that has a vested interest in not screwing you over.


Having friends makes things like Raider IO redundant.

If they’re you’re friend, you play with them, you wipe with them and you enjoy the game with them, and eventually you help them get geared, and you smash content with them.

Raider IO exist purely for dealing with randoms.


its a bingo!


I completely disagree. If my friends had crap I.o. And crap gear you think it entitles them for me to carry them? No way lol. I’m not gonna waste my key so they can get a chance at gear during the run or at reset.

It’s not being a bad friend. It’s being a bad friend to expect your friends to carry you without putting the effort in yourself.

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He never brought up his own keys. If he wanted to play with friends he could just start with their +2s and see how far they could push them, get some gear and learn the dungeons. But it sounds like he feels that would be a waste if his time.


In that case, he would definitely be a jerk. Not inviting them to your +16? Reasonable. Refusing to do a +2 because you get nothing? Not a good friend.


You have returning friends that want to do things with you? And you don’t want to? Are you sure you’re their friend?

Personally, I couldn’t care for raider io much. I mean, you don’t even lose rating for failing a key so there’s no risk at bringing your returning friends with you. They’re not asking for a carry. They want to run with you. If I was in that situation, I wouldn’t even debate with this. I would just bring them because i’d be happy they’ve returned and I enjoy playing with my friends.



I have no idea how you inferred all that other than a creative imagination, and maybe unresolved abandonment issues.

Or the friends could make a little effort, and not be moochers.

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You can always sell runs to your friends. No one likes a freeloader.

Bring them to some lower M+ dungeons to get them some gear and experience, then bring them to higher level M+ dungeons.

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And if their gear is truly too terribad for even M 0s then group them all up for a Saturday, blow up Naz for a day and Benthic them all out first and maybe shell out a few shekels for accessories to put them in the 385 range before you start 0s so they don’t get insta-gibbed in M 0 carry runs.

Or have them RP whales for a day, buy tokens and AH them up to basic gear levels.

OP has all kinds of options here that don’t involve leaving his friends standing at the side of the road as he drives off.


Just wow, you are no better than the OP. This is why the wow community sucks, people like the both of you. You literally take a few runs start with Mythic 0, work up their keys instead of yours. Help people get a leg up and get back into the game rather than ostracizing them for your own selfish wants.

With friends like you no one needs a horde vs alliance war anymore.


Define how I am wrong.

In what situation, do you raider IO your friend? Or does you guild make use of the system? A rather uptight and unfriendly set of friends.


Dude, my friends want to join me on something, I’m there!

We get wiped? So what, we can laugh about it later. My friends aren’t always going to be online, but when they are, I want to have fun with them, no matter how bad we are together.

I have plenty of time when they are not online to do my own thing.



oooh this is fun.


No the community sucks, due to the prevalence of a whiny and entitled generation of gamers.

What is more selfish than freeloading off a friend?

Friends are no different than strangers when it comes to performance. They either are capable or not. you can still be friends, but if they can’t cut it you are better off getting strangers to help you accomplish your goals.

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Seriously lol. Assuming they aren’t trolling, some of these folks aren’t even willing to run dungeons with friends to help them gear up.