Decision to allow trolls to remove 480 names at a time forever, why?

So now trolls can remove 480 names at a time per bnet account forever so long as they log into arc light rumble on their bnet account once every 3 years.

Who’s decision was it to change the name release policy to bnet activity?
That’s the opposite of a smart idea.
It clearly was changed during the internal turmoil period in 2021.
For reference:

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aww you could have linked the thread in CS.

that thread has me derping all over it because I didn’t know how the “solved” button works in the support forums :laughing:

CS thread with the blue post for clarification:

This link?

Basically blizzard took it upon themselves to give trolls the ability to stop people from creating new characters ever if they put in the work to remove 480 names per account at a time, making as many bnet accounts as they wish, until no names in the pool are left to choose form.

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Seems like a lot of time and effort for a “troll”. :dracthyr_a1:


It’s also a solid goal for one if they REALLY wanted to block people from making new characters, which I have no doubt someone would be willing to do given all the different types of people who play this game.

I imagine they found more people not returning upon finding that their old characters had been flagged for a name change because they went on a bit of a break than people who make an account, can’t get a name they like and lose interest.

Just speculation on my part. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

They can’t, though. This doesn’t do that.

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They CAN do that.
That’s the problem now.
All they need to do is make account after account and hold 480 names per bnet account hostage, or for real money, or keep making bnet accounts and remove every remaining choice from the pool.

Do you have anything to suggest that this is happening in any reasonable capacity?


Proof of the confirmed change in the CS forums, and a dwindling name pool to the point where most new characters are gibberish or some weird altcode spelling variant.
Don’t really need any more proof than “It’s doable within the current system”

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Okay, so it is speculation. Just clarifying.

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Where are you coming up with the number 480?

so what exactly is the complaint here?

it would be because 8 accounts per bnet
with 60 chars per each account

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Confirmed change is not speculative change. It might be speculative on motives, but not everyone plays the game the same way you do. You don’t think immediately about people who play differently thus you think it’s an issue one doesn’t have to worry about. Yet you would forget people multibox, some people build an RMT lively hood around the game. Goldfarmers and boosters. There are tons of people who would gladly take advantage of this. So just because you don’t think it IS happening doesn’t mean it COULDN’T happen, especially when it’s confirmed it CAN happen.

Each license can have 60 chars, and each account can have up to 8 licenses, so in theory one could subscribe an account for the purposes of simply holding 480 names.

Assumptions, assumptions.

I’m just curious as to any evidence of it occurring in any reasonable capacity is all. Just because it can exist doesn’t mean it does.

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I’m sure that logging into Arclight Rumble every 3 years is part of someone’s master plan to reduce the number of available names in World of Warcraft.

Yeah, bit of a headscratcher. I guess they haven’t had any luck getting good names.

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This is a “can happen, but probably won’t” scenario.

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It’s not even just about getting “good names” It’s literally an end goal for someone with a vendetta who has time on their hands if they truly wanted to make it so NOONE could create new characters EVER.

It’s a loophole flaw in their system they created by changing the policy to release on Bnet activity instead of Character activity.

That’s some nefarious stuff, right there.