Decided to see what all the rage is about how this community allgedly treats tanks/healers

As I have said in many many maaaaaaaaaannnnnnnyyyyyyyyyy threads over the years…if someone is seeing anything negative “constantly” than they should be looking in a reflective surface to find the common denominator in all of those situations and they’ll see the individual responsible for their negative experiences.

Left of bell curves being left of bell curves is absolutely the problem. I’m also fully convinced a good many of them WANT and SEEK OUT kicks because it feeds their persecution complex. They want…or rather NEED to be a victim because then it means they don’t need to change. Victims get sympathy and pity…victims even sometimes get charity. Whine hard enough and come up with a sad sob story good enough to tug at the heartstrings that a right of bell curve offers to carry you to your goal? It happens.

Don’t misrepresent others’ arguments or put words in their mouths just to argue against them. It’s bad form and makes you look foolish.

No matter how good you get at constructive communication, it won’t help if the other person refuses to learn or lacks the ability to do so—especially if they insist on engaging in content they aren’t good enough for.


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Negative experiences tend to stick out to people. When several people come to the forums and complains about the one bad experience they had, people look at that and see it as a widespread problem and don’t consider those are a handful of interactions out of literally thousands.

There’s a lot of other factors as well. When people are stressed they’re likely to remember those negative experiences more vividly, too.

As someone who has only just started doing M+ as of 2022, I have had far more neutral experiences than bad ones. People overexaggerate the negativity.

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I’m doing a introductory class on gaslighting 101. Do you think you could come in and be a speaker?


I’m learning my tank role because my guild needs more tanks.

The only way I can practice is by pugging because people work and we’re in different timezones.

Thankfully, I have been able to hold my own and I haven’t experienced anything rude as a tank.

However, I have voted no to kick a tank on many occasions. Some DPS really don’t understand what pacing is.

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I was going to explain nicely how wrong he was but this response is so much better. A+

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The funny thing is, the exact opposite is also true:

“Unpleasant thing never happened to me. Therefore it never happens to anyone. If you disagree you are wrong”.

For some reason, most people on this forum struggle with the fact that both confirmation bias and that different people can have very different experiences, is a thing. It never occurs to them that more than one thing can happen at the same time.


I did, learned Prot Pally from the ground up and all! Starting from M0’s! Didn’t know the 1st thing about this spec or pally in general.

You are a KSH player since DF S1. Even if you are new to tanking you knew how tanks should be played. Your anecdotes as an experienced player doesn’t discount the many experiences of those who are new to the game or trying to get into the content.

Here’s my anecdote to counter yours. I was leveling a BM monk recently and got kicked out because I was pulling 3 packs at a time and they wanted to go “slower” and I refused. No one died and no one got aggro. Another example is the start of this expansion I was pulling entire hallways, but apparently that wasn’t enough and was being raged at to pull more.

Pulling too big, pulling too small.

According to you, you think I’m a bad player, but then what does that make you and 99.5% of all other players?


This has to be one of the most common sense things I’ve heard in these forums.

Thank you for bringing a little reason into the topic.


I’ll let you in on a secret.

Probably 99% of the posts about tank/healer abuse take place in things like Timewalking and random heroics. Not M+.

It’s happening in the content they’re supposed to learn in.

Yes, an occasional M+ thing happens but those are so few and far between compared to the lower content complaints.


Exactly. TW and random heroics are where we are supposed to learn. Where else would we be able to?

Stay in low level content and practice…right, how? They nerfed just about everything.

I don’t understand why anyone would believe others are being disingenuous. Everyone plays differently, so who is the foremost authority of what is good or bad?

Yea it’s honestly annoying how healers and tanks act as if they are the only ones that are being under pressure.

They get a massive ego because they are more scarce than dps with lower competition, therefore you can afford to be worse and still get into groups, but due to this, they think they are actually doing great and are irreplaceable. While the reality is quite different.

It’s not a surprise that in my experience healers have usually been the weakest link of the group, then tank, then dps, you can find some really bad dps, but they usually get filtered out pretty quickly, because bad dps don’t get into many groups, and when they do people remember them or straight up blacklist them because the numbers simply do not lie.

On average, the average dps is better than the average tank, and the average tank is slightly better than the average healer.

The reason why i think the average tank is generally better is because unlike healing, there is no set limit to how many targets you can tank, and how much damage you can do, you can pretty much always improve, but for healers, there is a set limit to how much you can heal, and when the group is at 100% you’re supposed to dps, which many don’t do, either because they are lazy, or because they’re not actually capable of keeping the group topped. Also, as the group gets better the relevance of healer gets progressively less important, simply because stuff is dying faster, people get hit less, and when they get hit, they usually take less damage due to proper defensive usage. Which is another blow to healers and another reason why i think then tend to be the worst players on average.

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He’s actually completely right, i never got flamed in group, wanna guess why?

At most i received a complaint because my performance wasn’t that great, in a specific run due to some issues, but full blown breakdown on why i was absolute trash, and should not have been at this level of content? Literally, never. Also because i know my limits. And because i don’t expect people to carry me, or have the patience to “cut me some slack guys, im learning” while im wasting their time doing content that’s way above my skill level.

Here’s the thing that you people can’t seem to comprehend. Your anecdotes don’t dismiss other people’s experiences.

Well, get good i guess, if you get constantly flamed, at a certain point you probably have to look at yourself.

But blaming others always is easier right?

Maybe you should do the bare minimum of research before telling me to git gud.


That’s not the point dimwit, it’s a general statement on what’s actually happening.

The reason why these people get flamed is because they didn’t do nearly as good as they should have.

Contrary to what some people think, most people don’t just flame for no reason, there aren’t enough schizoids around that flame people for no reason, to cover for all of these complaints about flaming.

You are the one who claimed that tanks getting flamed are bad and the problem can’t possibly be the group. You also are the one who assumed I was having this issue constantly when I said nothing of the sort.

You made wild assumptions and ran with it. There’s a term for that. Circular reasoning.

Then you get angry when you are called out on it by going straight to name calling. It’s hysterical.

Again, this is you making assumptions about what’s going on in the groups because it doesn’t align with your personal experience and narrative.

Key phrase. Most people. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen.

If you want to keep being the angry little man be my guest.

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How many great tanks do you see getting flamed exactly? So far i can count on one hand the amount of times it happened, and when it does, usually people immediately call them out on it.

Is this really the final statement, the big smoking gun you want to go out with?

Get a grip, this is laughable.

Again, this whole thread is about statistical averages, not the guy who did nuffin wrong and still got blamed for everything that happens in maybe 1% of the situations.

There aren’t enough of those around to justify every thread that goes on about this topic and how the community is so toxic and whatever other bs.