Decided to see what all the rage is about how this community allgedly treats tanks/healers

So I got a Pally up to 80, and pugged 'til about 2310 score (timed my first +10 on him with Grim Batol) 2 nights ago.

I gotta say - not one single, solitary run did I ever get trolled, flamed, abused, or anything of the sort. Quite the contrary actually, a compliment here or there.

I’m pretty well convinced at this point that 90+% of this stuff is made up, and any perceived criticism/trolling/flaming is likely to do with the player just being a bad player trying content they shouldn’t be in.

Might not be the answer some of you want to hear, but simply improving your gameplay can legitimately shut out pretty well all of the unpleasant behaviour from the community. Stop being a victim about it and start trying to see what you yourself can do about it.


Have you tanked before?
Have you hit 2300 before?

First step to being good at something is being pretty crap at something.


I haven’t either. I evoker and druid heal and have some tanking exp but from my personal experience, it doesn’t happen very often. Most people understand that they can leave and never talk to these people again.

Nah. Negativity speaks loud. No one posts about their positive experiences so you see the bad times people complain about more.

Getting good is hard to complain about.

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I’ve tanked extremely sparsely. A little bid of Blood DK, a little bit of VDH. They were alts for the DPS specs I preferred.

I’m not some special player, my highest IO on a toon this season is just over KSH.

I’m honestly dead convinced that the main problem is these tanks/healers trying content that’s way over their head, and subsequently being called out on it.

There’s some truth to that. I wouldn’t heal on my evoker past a 7 for a while till I got the hang of it. A lot of folks bite off more than they can chew.

Still, there’s no pleasing some people. You can make a mistake and Egolord will act like you punched them irl.


And if you’re crap at it - stop trying content that’s going to expose just how crap you are at it. Practice in lower content.

These other tanks I see in lower PUGS from my other alts literally don’t even know that they need to have their active mitigation up for packs, find the priority mob to kick, and position things correctly. It’s not that difficult. Do these 3 things, and tanking a complete breeze until +10’s. DPS is the harder role IMO.


They bite off more they can chew and then play the victim when DPS don’t want to tolerate their wipe-fests and lack of knowledge about what they’re doing.

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Pfft iron fur isn’t worth rage. It doesn’t do damage! :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think this thread speaks and will continue to speak for itself.

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I got kicked as a tank in TW because I used a neural silencer and the hunter could not misdirect to me as he ran ahead pulling mobs. Yes the community sucks


Hate to break it to you but if you can’t handle a few extra mobs in TW you’re just not that bloody good.

I think they kicked you cause they’d rather not have the run take 10x longer than it needs to.

Speculation, but it’s more likely he was making a fuss about the hunter pulling and refusing to comply.

if your New to healing or tanking or even dps and want a good community to learn with look here

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The flaming is not made up.
But I’ll tell you how it works.
The first thing to understand is that the way player skill is percieved in WoW is skewed based on what people see on streams and such, so the perceived average skill is higher than the actual average player skills, the vast majority of players are very bad compared to the majority of streamers. And I don’t even mean pro players MDI/TGP, just your average random guy trying to stream for fun plays infinitely better than the real average in-game player.

So pretty much anyone too far below that line might get flamed if people are angry enough that day. But if you’re playing anywhere close to that line then no one will complain about you.

Quite literally, 90% of cases if someone gets flamed it’s justified. But if you play somewhat decently you never get flamed. People don’t really randomly flame just to flame. Something needs to trigger them, and usually that trigger is poor performance.

Just play well guys, and no one will flame you. Literally 20 years of experience backing that up in every version of this game. Not saying I’m perfect and never get flamed. I’m saying that when I mess up and cause a wipe I get flamed, if I play well I don’t get flamed. It’s that simple, it’s been that simple for 20 years.

If you feel like you’re getting flamed often, it’s because you’re pretty bad, not because everyone is toxic.

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That is what the person you qouted said…

“unpleasant things didn’t happen to me, therefore unpleasant things don’t exist”

that certainly settles the question for all time.


It’s better than that.

You don’t even need to play well. Just play the content that’s appropriate for your skill level.

If you think you’re gonna step into some M+ PUG and expect everyone to just “bear with” your learning experience of handling that level of content. you’re completely wrong.


That’s true to some level, but people should still strive to improve and try harder content. Just don’t go from +2 to +7 and expect everything to go smooth lol. Go one by one, like a staircase, if you try to skip too much you’ll fall down the stairs and break your beck.

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Most streamers aren’t popular due to skill. The reason people expect a lot is due to a comparison with their own knowledge and ability.

There is never justification to flame someone. Do it if you want but there’s no justification.

This is fairly accurate. Playing better than the other guy is the best defense.

Well if we take what a lot of people say at face value, they kinda make it seem like it’s impossible to pug without getting flamed a few times per day. And that’s just not true. You have to be bad at the game to get constantly flamed.

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