Decided to see what all the rage is about how this community allgedly treats tanks/healers

Do you see the irony in your post?

I wouldn’t say karma farming, per se. I’d say it’s newer tanks/heals that aren’t well versed in their spec complaining because they don’t know what else to do.

Most PUG’s want to rush through content. Being a tank or healer, sometimes it’s not possible because we are paired with extremely low level toons and everyone keeps dying.

I had a tank ask a group, “Did we all forget how this dungeon is done?”. Immediate vote kick, that thankfully didn’t go through.

Let me guess you took the most standard routes and did not attempt anything unique at all?

Nevermind that this is the end of the season so just about everyone is overgeared and most DPS have died enough times to figure out they are dying to their own mistakes.

Also you choose paladin which has a bloated tank kit and heavily covers for others stupidity.

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It’s kind of a domino effect. Many tanks learn from watching other tanks, which creates a “meta” of tanking this is why most runs you’ve had used similar routes and pulls and skips. So in a way even without watching streamers directly most dps players experience with tank is tied to the way of tanking popularized by streamers. Any tank not following this and trying to improvise instead runs the risk of playing in a way that’s below expectations for most people, and as a result could get flamed for it.

Also I kinda threw the word streamer as a general term but realistically all content creators are in the same basket. Even if people watch DPS players, they run the same dungeons with tanks doing the same things. We already know that most people watch content creators and that’s how meta comps become popular and hinder non-meta specs from finding groups, all these things are tied together, this is a community game and the core of the community that ties the majority of players together are content creators on the internet.


I see what you presume to be irony is. I contributed previously to the topic. You did not.


I don’t think you understand what irony is—that’s just reality.

Now, if the context were you playing with friends and getting carried, that’d be a different conversation. No one cares what you do in your own friend group. But this is about PUGs.

I have no idea what kind of person jumps into a skill bracket way above their own and doesn’t expect criticism for underperforming, especially from randoms who don’t owe you anything.

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As a tank that is well above average (based on ratings/rankings outside of game) I have been yelled at and put down many times this season. I have had DPS pulling for me (because too slow in a 10). Even had Healers mad because I am the wrong tank class and then got kicked.

That is as an above average tank that spends a lot of time learning the role. The average tank doesn’t play as much as me, consume the same content as me, or spend the time looking for ways squeeze out a little something extra… and because they are not all gods they get flamed.

I can’t even imagine the hell that bad tanks experience trying to learn.


It is impossible to play protection paladin poorly.
It’s simple, low apm, is the only tank that can full heal the entire party, while continuing to tank, and has the best utility button, which is aoe taunt invincibility

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Homeboy allegedly spent a week ish as a healer and thinks he knows the experience we’ve been living for years


There’s actual studied data on this and prot pally is objectively the highest APM spec in the game. Stack haste and one of your main rotational button is not on the GCD so the spamming is actually bonkers.

The forums are not letting me post links, google prot paladin apm, first link is a reddit thread, first comment has a link to a simulation craft.
Then go down and look at the “Additional raid information” tab.

Now mind you this is pvp, but healer abuse is all content, so it’s relevant. Was in a blitz in 2500 MMR and the mage on our team got mad we were losing and said “their healers are just better.”

I pointed out the fact that the top 5 DPS (There are only 12 DPS in a game total, 6 on each team) were ALL on the enemy team and our healers were doing twice the healing as the enemy team because of it.

Their response “so?”

A lot of DPS do not want to take accountability. Despite the fact that it was clearly a DPS issue on why we were losing.

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you could be right?
for me its monk where I’m going ballistic spamming things, and warrior to a lesser extent
paladin is slow for me, I might be picking more passive talents on that class

Over havoc? I haven’t played it since SL but that spec made my hands hurt.

OP gives an anecdotal instance of no toxicity to spark a typical WoW debate. They know darn well tanks of all calibers are mistreated at complete random, favoring bad tanks over good tanks.

Can we please stop discrediting each other’s experiences? Better yet, can we stop with the hyperbole?

Trying to never be capped on spinning hammers and judgement, keeping consecrate down, using bouncy shield on proc/cd, shield of the rightenous whenever it’s up including it’s self proc’ing free versions, using free words of glory to not waste procs of that as well.

You even have to spam spinning hammers when not fighting to build up or keep holy powers so you don’t start a pull with no defensive.

But prot warrior is second place, and brewmaster isn’t far behind either, they’re obviously all high apm relatively speaking, but pally is first place.

Yeah, the list goes like this:
Prot pally 88
prot war 86
outlaw rogue 85
havoc SD 75
havoc 72 (don’t know the difference between these havocs, probably a talent somewhere)
fury war 70
blood dk 70 (don’t know why there’s not 2 different BDK, san’layn has way higher apm than deathbringer)
brewmaster 70
fire mage 69
and I’ll stop there cuz 69 is noice


as a healer that has hit 2600+ before, I hardly have people insulting me, if I do then it’s most likely my fault or the person is just being toxic.

The thing is, I RARELY get insulted because I know how to play my class and I UNDERSTAND how to manage my CDS. If you’re going to get butthurt every time you do higher keys then it’s not for you.

You aren’t even in flame bracket yet.

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I’ve seen more flaming in 7s than I do in 12+

Where’s your flame bracket?

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So there’s no contradiction in: No one is mean to tanks, but tanks that suck just shouldn’t be allowed to play in my content. They should just git gud.

I’m sure someone with that mindset is… kind… to such a tank that wanders into their content.

The long and short of it is, you’re not entirely wrong… but it’s all in how you say it. And from what I’ve seen in this thread… Well to use your words back at some of you… git gud at constructive communication.