doesn’t know how to express themselves correctly but thinks others lack comprehension. ironic. lol.
“Unpleasant thing happened to me. Therefore it happens non stop to everyone. And if you disagree you are wrong”
Not a good alternative
Wow its a good thing 100% of the player base has the same exact experience as the OP does!
I have doubts you actually tanked.
Well people on the opposite side of the argument talk as if toxicity is rampant everywhere for everyone cuz they experience it a few times.
I don’t see you in these threads making the exact same comment. Double standard.
In WoW?! Surely not!
Absolutely not true. You may not experience this, but others have.
I, personally, have not experienced this while running my tanks. I did have someone scoff at the idea of me pacing the instance, but the group collectively disagreed with that one person.
As a healer, yes…but warranted. I was new and couldn’t keep up.
As a DPS, absolutely. Not every time, but often enough. Pulling too much and dying is an actual thing.
Assuming that something is made up is completely disingenuous. Everyone has different gameplay, which makes the opinion “good” or “bad” very subjective.
Why? Because you’re one of those who when tanking gets flamed by everyone so you project this experience on the rest of the playerbase and assume everyone is just randomly mean to all tanks without discrimination?
I went trough what OP did with all 6 tanks this xpack and I’ve been tanking for years, I came to the same conclusion. People are in the overwhelming majority not toxic, they mostly just flame whoever performs below expectations and could be the main reason for a run failing. If you’re constantly at or above expectations you won’t get flamed, if you’re constantly playing bad you will constantly get flamed.
I’ve honestly seen more hate against dos players than any other role this expansion.
ITT: Tanks get barely any form of abuse…
Also ITT: If any tank does get abuse… it’s because they suck and should just git gud. And if they can’t git gud, they should just stay in lower level content (with an implied ‘and out of my content’).
The irony is… impressive.
From my perspective, I don’t think the abuse is as rampant as the threads make it out to be, but I’ve for sure seen it happen. Heck I’ve had it happen to me as a seasoned player. It’s relatively uncommon, but as they say… negative experiences stick out much stronger than positive ones.
DPS is easy to replace. Heals and tanks are more difficult. If you’re a halfway competent heal or tank then people aren’t going to single you out for no reason. In my anecdotal experience people don’t go out of their way to single decent tanks/heals out for trash talk.
Yes. I mainly do DPS and have never been rezed after dying, due to a tank pulling too much at once. I’m trying to effectively do my job and just getting pummeled by NPC’s the tank left behind.
It’s not every time, but it does happen.
It’s a thing, but it happens to baddies more than folks who know what they are doing. That said, only TWICE did I ever end up in an argument with randos while leveling. We ended the run, never spoke again during, and have not seen each other since.
Yep people don’t just pick on tanks and heals for being tanks or heals. Generally speaking it is poor play that gets highlighted and that’s because the group has expectations that aren’t being met.
Lowest iq take
I’m actually new at tanking and I’ve never been “abused” or been kicked.
However, my tanking may be different from others. I’m very methodical and I address the group from the start what I’m planning on doing.
Communication is very much lacking in this game.
I invite you to elaborate and prove me wrong. We’ll see who has the lowest IQ.
Pretty much same experience. I pugged my way to 2500 twice on two different tanks. I have never once before this season ever gotten a character higher than 1300 and this was my first time tanking since vanilla leveling dungeons.
I bricked a few keys but never had extreme toxicity or anything like that. I honestly feel like a lot of the stories I hear are just karma farming.
If someone’s response is simply an insult, I just assume they lack the intelligence to contribute effectively.
Youre assuming that most of the flaming is coming from people who watch streamers. Complete anecdote.